Indie/Rock Playlist: Best of (2013)

Indie/Rock Playlist: Best of (2013)
Stream: SpotifyDeezer

1. (00:03:39) Tessa Rose Jackson – (All The) King’s Horses
2. (00:04:04) Fanfarlo – A Distance
3. (00:03:34) The All New Adventures of Us – A Nursing Home In Full Swing
4. (00:02:55) The Postal Service – A Tattered Line of String
5. (00:03:55) Editors – A Ton of Love
6. (00:03:04) The Beaches – Absolutely Nothing
7. (00:03:13) Scorpio Loon – Addicted To You
8. (00:03:22) Piano Club – Ain’t No Mountain High
9. (00:04:05) Amason – Algen
10. (00:05:04) MGMT – Alien Days
11. (00:03:25) Empire Of The Sun – Alive
12. (00:05:27) Washed Out – All I Know
13. (00:03:42) Suburban Living – Always Eyes
14. (00:02:54) Norwegian Arms – And Then I Found Myself In The Taiga
15. (00:04:06) Agnes Obel – Aventine
16. (00:04:36) Los Campesinos! – Avocado, Baby
17. (00:03:20) Prince of Spain – Away We Go
18. (00:03:45) Andy Bull – Baby I Am Nobody Now
19. (00:02:51) Twin Forks – Back To You
20. (00:04:00) Midnight Juggernauts – Ballad of The War Machine
21. (00:03:52) Royal Canoe – Bathtubs
22. (00:03:34) Hudson Taylor – Battles
23. (00:02:54) Woods – Be All Be Easy
24. (00:03:25) Summer Heart – Beat of Your Heart
25. (00:03:22) Wolf Colony – Beauty
26. (00:03:49) Mana Island – Beauty Spot
27. (00:03:51) Islands – Becoming The Gunship
28. (00:03:16) Sivu – Better Man Than He
29. (00:02:30) Young Rival – Better Things To Do
30. (00:03:13) Ra Ra Riot – Binary Mind
31. (00:03:16) St. Vincent – Birth In Reverse
32. (00:03:38) Friska Viljor – Bite Your Head Off
33. (00:02:36) HRVRD – Black Creme
34. (00:04:41) Local Natives – Black Spot
35. (00:03:21) Eden Mulholland – Blueprint
36. (00:02:03) Tijuana Panthers – Boardwalk
37. (00:03:16) Little May – Boardwalks
38. (00:02:06) Cuddly Shark – Body Mass Index
39. (00:03:11) The Duckworth Lewis Method – Boom Boom Afridi
40. (00:03:16) Rachel Zeffira – Break The Spell
41. (00:04:08) Beautiful Small Machines – Bring Out Your Dead
42. (00:03:37) Dr. Dog – Broken Heart
43. (00:04:11) Golden Youth – Brother In The Morning Light
44. (00:02:43) Franz Ferdinand – Bullet
45. (00:04:23) Volcano Choir – Byegone
46. (00:04:34) The Love Language – Calm Down
47. (00:03:04) Boxed Wine – Cannibal
48. (00:03:28) Pear Shape – Carousel
49. (00:03:38) Les Enfants – Celeste
50. (00:04:51) Deadwood – Cherry Red
51. (00:02:34) Minttu & Olli – Chimney Sweeper
52. (00:04:01) The Mispers – Coasts
53. (00:03:06) Mister Wives – Coffins
54. (00:04:10) Ha Ha Tonka – Colorful Kids
55. (00:02:32) Cloud Cult – Complicated Creation
56. (00:03:38) Passion Pit – Constant Conversations (Alternate Version)
57. (00:04:01) Wild Child – Crazy Bird
58. (00:03:34) Thomas D’Arcy – Credit!
59. (00:04:00) Young The Giant – Crystallized
60. (00:04:10) Eisley – Currents
61. (00:03:09) Bastille – Daniel In The Den
62. (00:03:07) Youngblood Hawke – Dannyboy
63. (00:03:11) Dale Earnhardt Jr. Jr. – Dark Water
64. (00:02:44) The BB Guns – Dear Abby
65. (00:02:12) Spector – Decade of Decay
66. (00:03:08) Peace – Delicious
67. (00:03:31) The National – Demons
68. (00:04:29) CocoRosie – Devil’s Island
69. (00:04:03) The Boxer Rebellion – Diamonds
70. (00:02:53) The Derevolutions – Disappoint Your Teacher
71. (00:04:40) George Barnett – Don’t Tell Me
72. (00:04:23) Nova & The Experience – Dragonflies & Waterfalls
73. (00:03:24) Typhoon – Dreams of Cannibalism
74. (00:03:47) Everything Everything – Duet
75. (00:04:50) I Monster – Early Morning Robert
76. (00:03:52) Oberhofer – Earplugs
77. (00:03:43) ARMS – Earthquake Weather
78. (00:03:07) Brightener – Echoes
79. (00:03:33) The Mowgli’s – Emily
80. (00:02:36) Elementary Penguins – Everybody Knows My Name Especially On The Dance Floor
81. (00:03:36) Portugal. The Man – Evil Friends
82. (00:03:19) Feng Li – Fairytale of My Life
83. (00:03:44) Catey Shaw – Family
84. (00:02:51) Magic Fight – Fangs
85. (00:03:28) Ms Mr – Fantasy
86. (00:03:08) Fairchild – Figure It Out
87. (00:03:33) Night Panther – Fire
88. (00:04:00) The Dancers – For Something In Your Eyes
89. (00:03:02) The Silent Few – For The Birds
90. (00:02:43) Traams – Foxes
91. (00:04:35) Darwin Deez – Free (The Editorial Me)
92. (00:03:29) Shearwater – Fucked Up Life
93. (00:04:12) of Montreal – Fugitive Air
94. (00:04:05) Telekinesis – Ghosts and Creatures
95. (00:02:46) Surfer Blood – Gravity
96. (00:02:58) Cage The Elephant – Halo
97. (00:04:16) The Flight – Hangman
98. (00:03:32) Little Green Cars – Harper Lee
99. (00:03:08) Mounties – Headphones
100. (00:03:28) Clap Your Hands Say Yeah – Heaven
101. (00:03:32) Shout Out Louds – Hermila
102. (00:03:20) London Grammar – Hey Now
103. (00:05:22) Strangejuice – High School
104. (00:03:27) American Authors – Hit It
105. (00:03:36) Radical Face – Holy Branches
106. (00:02:30) Tim Fitz – Hospital
107. (00:03:38) Moddi – House By The Sea
108. (00:03:08) Born Gold – Hunger
109. (00:03:24) American Royalty – Hungry
110. (00:03:50) Vydamo – Hurricane
111. (00:03:54) Josef Salvat – Hustler
112. (00:04:07) Hellogoodbye – I Don’t Worry (As Much As I Should)
113. (00:04:12) The Naked and Famous – I Kill Giants
114. (00:03:54) Capital Cities – I Sold My Bed, But Not My Stereo
115. (00:02:41) Mikhael Paskalev – I Spy
116. (00:03:13) Chuck Criss – I Want The Real Thing
117. (00:02:32) They Might Be Giants – Icky
118. (00:02:31) Lowing – I’ll Wait For You
119. (00:03:36) Boys Boys Boys! – I’m Here Forever
120. (00:03:10) It Hated Silence – Immoral Earnings In The UK
121. (00:02:36) Fur Trade – In Between Dreams
122. (00:06:27) Braids – In Kind
123. (00:03:14) Dan Croll – In Out
124. (00:02:59) Architecture in Helsinki – In The Future
125. (00:03:19) Death By Robot – In The West
126. (00:04:40) Pixies – Indie Cindy
127. (00:02:57) Mother Mother – Infinitesimal
128. (00:03:01) Magic Arm – Is History
129. (00:05:03) Sigur Ros – Isjaki
130. (00:02:18) Bad Bad Hats – It Hurts
131. (00:04:38) Behind Sapphire – Jailbirds
132. (00:03:03) Amor De Dias – Jean’s Waving
133. (00:03:28) Atoms For Peace – Judge Jury And Executioner
134. (00:03:49) Kite Club – Jupiter Smiling
135. (00:04:09) Low – Just Make It Stop
136. (00:03:32) Mighty Oaks – Just One Day
137. (00:03:03) Shugo Tokumaru – Katachi
138. (00:02:19) Future Bible Heroes – Keep Your Children In A Coma
139. (00:03:24) Kingsley Flood – King’s Men
140. (00:02:54) Lydia – Knee Deep
141. (00:03:44) Stornoway – Knock Me On The Head
142. (00:05:14) The Ceremonies – Land of Gathering
143. (00:04:23) Birds of Tokyo – Lanterns
144. (00:03:34) Paint The Dark – Lariat
145. (00:03:41) Puggy – Last Day On Earth (Something Small)
146. (00:03:31) Naked (On Drugs) – Lee Ann’s Skin
147. (00:02:45) Josh Pyke – Leeward Side
148. (00:03:14) Autoheart – Lent
149. (00:02:36) Knower – Let Go
150. (00:04:03) New Carnival – Let Me Shake
151. (00:03:54) Noah And The Whale – Lifetime
152. (00:05:39) Junip – Line Of Fire
153. (00:04:09) I Can Make A Mess – Lions
154. (00:03:27) Guineafowl – Little Death (Make It Rain)
155. (00:03:08) Paper Aeroplanes – Little Letters
156. (00:03:17) Brick & Mortar – Locked In a Cage
157. (00:03:04) Pacific Air – Lose My Mind
158. (00:03:32) Tullycraft – Lost In Light Rotation
159. (00:04:43) Son Lux – Lost It To Trying
160. (00:03:03) The Title Sequence – Lovers
161. (00:03:44) Khushi – Magpie
162. (00:03:16) The Blow – Make It Up
163. (00:03:20) Saintseneca – Mallwalker
164. (00:03:34) Starfucker – Malmo
165. (00:02:31) Mother Falcon – Marigold
166. (00:04:14) Monokino – Melissa
167. (00:03:31) Anamanaguchi – Meow
168. (00:03:17) TV On The Radio – Mercy
169. (00:01:59) Neon Neon – Mid Century Modern Nightmare
170. (00:03:00) Sir Sly – Miracle
171. (00:03:00) Cold War Kids – Miracle Mile
172. (00:03:45) We Were Evergreen – Modern Age
173. (00:03:43) Cloud Control – Moon Rabbit
174. (00:03:11) Said The Whale – Mother
175. (00:03:24) White Lies – Mother Tongue
176. (00:02:53) Weaves – Motorcycle
177. (00:04:06) My Fair Fiend – Murder a Dream
178. (00:03:38) Talisco – My Home
179. (00:03:20) The Spinto Band – Na Na Na
180. (00:04:32) Me Like Bees – Naked Trees
181. (00:04:19) Walla – Nature
182. (00:03:33) Born Ruffians – Needle
183. (00:03:38) Urban Cone – New York
184. (00:03:03) Rogue Wave – No Magnatone
185. (00:02:42) Kakkmaddafakka – No Song
186. (00:03:51) Amber Run – Noah
187. (00:03:44) Villagers – Nothing Arrived
188. (00:02:47) Findlay – Off & On
189. (00:04:05) Mr Little Jeans – Oh Sailor
190. (00:04:09) Olafur Arnalds – Old Skin
191. (00:03:40) Jens Lekman – Olivia And Maddy
192. (00:04:02) The Strokes – One Way Trigger
193. (00:04:21) Florence & The Machine – Over The Love
194. (00:03:48) Sleeping At Last – Overture
195. (00:02:56) La Femme – Packshot
196. (00:02:48) Braves – Pale
197. (00:03:29) Colours In The Street – Paper Child
198. (00:05:11) The Flaming Lips – Peace Sword (Open Your Heart)
199. (00:03:43) Yellowire – Peter
200. (00:04:01) Andrew Belle – Pieces
201. (00:03:33) Eye Emma Jedi – Places
202. (00:03:41) La Shark – Prison Palace
203. (00:03:29) NONONO – Pumpin Blood
204. (00:03:52) Super Water Sympathy – Purple Poppies
205. (00:03:45) Generationals – Put A Light On
206. (00:03:14) Pretty & Nice – Q_Q
207. (00:02:45) The Royal Concept – Radio
208. (00:04:06) Night Beds – Ramona
209. (00:03:24) Vance Joy – Riptide
210. (00:03:40) Them Swoops – Rollerskate
211. (00:02:12) Brooke Waggoner – Rumble
212. (00:03:33) Woodkid – Run Boy Run
213. (00:02:57) Rilo Kiley – Runnin’ Around
214. (00:03:50) Yeah Yeah Yeahs – Sacrilege
215. (00:03:23) Alfred Hall – Safe & Sound
216. (00:03:59) The Twoks – Sailor
217. (00:04:19) Cub Scouts – Scream
218. (00:04:05) Crystal Fighters – Separator
219. (00:03:26) The Fratellis – Seven Nights Seven Days
220. (00:03:26) Hungry Kids of Hungary – Sharp Shooter
221. (00:04:34) Swim Deep – She Changes The Weather
222. (00:03:38) Alpaca Sports – She’ll Come Back For Indian Summer
223. (00:03:10) Temples – Shelter Song
224. (00:02:40) Res – She’s A Witch
225. (00:03:02) HAP – Shopping the Collection
226. (00:04:01) The Killers – Shot At The Night
227. (00:03:07) How To Loot Brazil – Shout Out Love
228. (00:03:34) The Jungle Giants – Skin To Bone
229. (00:03:57) Mazes – Skulking
230. (00:03:20) Franko Franko – Slow
231. (00:03:23) Oh My! – Slow Moves
232. (00:04:24) rickoLus – Snow Globes
233. (00:02:54) I Am Kloot – Some Better Day
234. (00:03:20) We Are Scientists – Something About You
235. (00:02:59) Kishi Bashi – Song For The Sold
236. (00:04:13) San Fermin – Sonsick
237. (00:03:30) The Moth & The Flame – Sorry
238. (00:04:10) The Electronic Anthology Project – Soul Meets Body
239. (00:03:06) Painted Palms – Spinning Signs
240. (00:03:22) Leagues – Spotlight
241. (00:04:22) The Suits – Stars
242. (00:03:54) Evan & The Brave – Stay This Way
243. (00:04:02) Jose Gonzalez – Step Out
244. (00:03:11) Arctic Monkeys – Stop The World I Wanna Get Off With You
245. (00:02:41) Liam Singer – Stranger I Know
246. (00:05:41) The Red Paintings – Streets Fell Into My Window
247. (00:02:37) The Little Indians – Sun Dream
248. (00:03:21) Hibou – Sunder
249. (00:03:49) Kings of Leon – Supersoaker
250. (00:03:47) Sea Legs – Take A Little For Yourself
251. (00:03:33) The Boy Least Likely To – Taking Windmills For Giants
252. (00:03:43) Psychic Friend – Telekinesis
253. (00:03:22) Ed Zealous – Telepaths
254. (00:03:52) The Lighthouse And The Whaler – The Adriatic
255. (00:04:35) Snowden – The Beat Comes
256. (00:03:31) Goldspot – The Border Line
257. (00:02:27) HighFields – The Chase (Oh Lord!)
258. (00:03:34) Hey Geronimo – The Dan Kelly Song
259. (00:04:29) Synne Sanden – The King In My Kingdom
260. (00:02:27) Kid Astray – The Mess
261. (00:03:10) CHVRCHES – The Mother We Share
262. (00:03:29) The Mountains – The Mountains
263. (00:03:53) Fitz And The Tantrums – The Walker
264. (00:03:28) Frightened Rabbit – The Woodpile
265. (00:03:38) Mideau – There, There
266. (00:03:23) Rag Dolls – These Are The Words
267. (00:03:59) Hotel Cinema – This Misfortune
268. (00:02:43) AWOLNATION – Thiskidsnotalright
269. (00:03:26) COIN – Time Machine
270. (00:03:50) Joywave – Tongues
271. (00:03:34) Placebo – Too Many Friends
272. (00:03:36) Asgeir – Torrent
273. (00:04:26) Sailor & I – Tough Love
274. (00:03:45) Summer Camp – Two Chords
275. (00:03:23) Vampire Weekend – Unbelievers
276. (00:03:43) Thumpers – Unkinder (A Tougher Love)
277. (00:03:29) Black Handed Kites – Up
278. (00:02:53) Bronze Radio Return – Up, On & Over
279. (00:03:23) Eliza And The Bear – Upon The North
280. (00:03:38) Maps – Vicissitude
281. (00:03:30) The Holidays – Voices Drifting
282. (00:04:48) April Was A Passenger – Wall
283. (00:04:16) Young Summer – Waves That Rolled You Under
284. (00:03:36) Grouplove – Ways To Go
285. (00:04:16) Black Light Dinner Party – We Are Golden
286. (00:04:26) Circle – We Can Play
287. (00:03:37) Thao & The Get Down Stay Down – We The Common
288. (00:02:05) Jake Bugg – What Doesn’t Kill You
289. (00:03:29) Benjamin Dunn & The Animal Orchestra – When We Were Young
290. (00:03:32) The View – Where
291. (00:03:13) Southern – Where The Wild Are
292. (00:03:28) Annuals – Whippoorwill
293. (00:03:58) The Dear Hunter – Whisper
294. (00:04:16) CEO – Whorehouse
295. (00:03:41) Keane – Won’t Be Broken
296. (00:03:23) The Polyphonic Spree – You Don’t Know Me
297. (00:02:56) Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin – Young Presidents
298. (00:04:01) Parenthetical Girls – Young Throats
299. (00:04:00) The Wombats – Your Body Is a Weapon
300. (00:03:18) Regina Spektor – You’ve Got Time

Playing Time………: 17:50:33
Total Size………..: 1959.53 MB

Indie/Rock Playlist: Christmas Eve (2013)

Indie/Rock Playlist: Christmas Eve (2013)
Stream: SpotifyDeezer

1. (00:01:40) Dan Croll – A Guardian Christmas
2. (00:03:31) The Boy Least Likely To – A Happy Christmas Baby
3. (00:04:23) Glasvegas – A Snowflake Fell (And It Felt Like A Kiss)
4. (00:02:35) The New Mendicants – A Very Sorry Christmas
5. (00:03:02) Happy Fangs – All I Want For Christmas Is Halloween
6. (00:03:41) !!! – And Anyway It’s Christmas
7. (00:02:08) Bad Religion – Angels We Have Heard On High
8. (00:02:18) Bright Eyes – Blue Christmas
9. (00:03:01) The Last Bison – Carol Of The Bells
10. (00:03:20) Orbital – Christmas Chime (Stocking Filler)
11. (00:03:46) Germany Germany – Christmas Club Banger!
12. (00:02:29) Crying Day Care Choir – Christmas Day Care Choir (Falala)
13. (00:02:39) Latch Key Kid – Christmas Everyday
14. (00:05:24) The Raveonettes – Christmas Ghosts
15. (00:04:26) The Killers – Christmas In L.A.
16. (00:02:51) The Tuts – Christmas Is In The Air
17. (00:04:00) Yellowcard – Christmas Lights
18. (00:03:21) The Rocket Summer – Christmas Madness
19. (00:03:24) Dr. Dog – Christmas Party
20. (00:03:16) The Garlands – Christmas Song
21. (00:03:29) The Darkness – Christmas Time (Don’t Let the Bells End)
22. (00:02:49) AM & Shawn Lee – Christmas Time Is Here
23. (00:03:54) Dog Is Dead – Christmas Wrapping
24. (00:04:40) Beta Radio – Conventry Carol, King Without a Mountain
25. (00:02:24) Strangejuice – Deck The Halls (Bad Christmas Carol)
26. (00:03:45) The Polyphonic Spree – Do You Hear What I Hear
27. (00:03:36) Charlie’s Hand Movements – Don’t You Love Christmas Time
28. (00:02:36) I Was Once a Dinosaur – Drugs For Christmas
29. (00:06:45) The Oh Hellos – Every Bell On Earth Will Ring
30. (00:03:22) Eels – Everything Gonna Be Cool This Christmas
31. (00:03:29) Man Overboard – Father Christmas
32. (00:02:01) HAP – Frosty The Snowman
33. (00:03:40) Patch & The Giant – God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen
34. (00:03:41) Pure Bathing Culture – Good King Wenceslas
35. (00:02:01) Expo – Good Night, Sleep Tight, Christmas
36. (00:03:24) Hellogoodbye – Happy Xmas (War Is Over)
37. (00:02:55) Citizens – Hark! The Herald Angels Sing
38. (00:03:37) Charles William – Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas
39. (00:03:17) Danielson & Lillyidaelin – Holly Jolly Christmas Cookie
40. (00:03:47) The Family Crest – Home For Christmas
41. (00:04:47) Theatre Royal & Friends – I Believe In Father Christmas (I Don’t Want Socks)
42. (00:02:33) The Garlands – I Don’t Intend To Spend Christmas Without You
43. (00:03:18) Young Statues – I Don’t Wanna Know What’s Under Your Tree
44. (00:03:18) The Ready Set – I Don’t Wanna Spend Another Christmas Without You
45. (00:03:02) Echosmith – I Heard The Bells On Christmas Day
46. (00:03:10) Julian Casablancas – I Wish It Was Christmas Today
47. (00:02:36) Yast – If Santa Ain’t Real
48. (00:02:31) The Bridges – I’m Gonna Lasso Santa Claus
49. (00:02:02) The Winter Experiment – It Feels Like Christmas
50. (00:03:05) Shy Nature – It’s Christmas (Close Your Eyes)
51. (00:05:10) Frightened Rabbit – It’s Christmas So We’ll Stop
52. (00:03:44) Sugar & The Hi Lows – Jingle Bells
53. (00:01:41) The Boy Least Likely To – Jingle My Bells
54. (00:03:04) Citizens – Joy To The World
55. (00:03:32) Summer Camp – Last Christmas
56. (00:03:45) Owl City – Light of Christmas
57. (00:03:51) Andy Burrows – Light The Night
58. (00:03:27) Sandi Thom – Little Donkey
59. (00:03:33) For King & Country – Little Drummer Boy
60. (00:03:35) Sara Bareilles – Love Is Christmas
61. (00:03:22) BESTie – Merry Christmas
62. (00:03:10) Wyatt Funderburk – Merry Christmas (I’m in Love With You)
63. (00:03:02) Sidewalk Prophets – Merry Christmas To You
64. (00:03:29) Sloan – Merry X’mas Everybody
65. (00:03:41) Trans-Siberian Orchestra – Midnight Christmas Eve
66. (00:02:54) Work Drugs – Never Gonna Be Alone On Christmas
67. (00:04:21) Kye Kye – Noel
68. (00:03:37) New Found Glory – Nothing For Christmas
69. (00:02:08) Bad Religion – O Come, O Come Emmanuel
70. (00:02:51) Behind Sapphire – Picture a Christmas
71. (00:05:02) A Fine Frenzy – Redribbon Foxes
72. (00:04:05) Parenthetical Girls – Rejoice! Rejoice!
73. (00:03:14) Ben & Vesper – Rest Is All Normal Ones Want
74. (00:04:06) Royal Albatross – Ring The Bell, Noel
75. (00:02:09) HAP – Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer
76. (00:03:04) Joe Innes & The Cavalcade – Santa Says Relax
77. (00:02:56) Low – Santa’s Coming Over
78. (00:03:32) Eastern Conference Champions – Saving Christmas
79. (00:03:05) Erasure – Silver Bells
80. (00:03:05) Shel – Sleigh Ride
81. (00:03:17) Good Old War – Snow Falls Down
82. (00:04:56) Lipstick Lumberjack – SoCal For Xmas
83. (00:04:14) Camera Obscura – The Blizzard
84. (00:02:54) Nataly Dawn – The Christmas Ballad
85. (00:02:27) Erasure – The Christmas Song
86. (00:02:04) The Raveonettes – The Christmas Song (Alternative Version)
87. (00:04:04) The Honorary Title – The City On Christmas
88. (00:03:24) Left With Pictures – The Coldest Night
89. (00:03:31) The Boy Least Likely To – The First Snowflake
90. (00:04:57) Los Campesinos! – The Holly And The Ivy
91. (00:04:17) Brainpool – The Last Christmas
92. (00:04:02) Dropkick Murphys – The Season’s Upon Us
93. (00:02:23) Eight to Infinity – There’s Nothing Very Interesting To Say About Snow
94. (00:03:37) Lazy Flies – Time & Tide
95. (00:03:51) The Civil Wars – Tracks In The Snow
96. (00:02:57) Rusty And Savanna – Under the Mistletoe
97. (00:02:14) Pomplamoose – Up On The Housetop
98. (00:01:53) Bad Religion – What Child Is This
99. (00:02:55) A Fine Frenzy – Winter White
100. (00:02:45) Sleeper Agent – Winter Wonderland

Playing Time………: 05:33:47
Total Size………..: 562.16 MB

Indie/Rock Playlist: December (2013)

Indie/Rock Playlist: December (2013)
Stream: SpotifyDeezer

1. (00:00:06) Hotel Cinema – (Intro)
2. (00:01:06) Brent Black – (Snowy Day)
3. (00:03:39) Hellogoodbye – …And Everything Becomes a Blur
4. (00:03:24) Simian Ghost – A Million Shining Colours
5. (00:03:13) Scorpio Loon – Addicted To You
6. (00:05:53) Arcade Fire – Afterlife
7. (00:03:18) The Secret Sea – Afterlife
8. (00:03:02) Kit Richardson – All Heart No Brains
9. (00:04:01) The Holidays – All Time High
10. (00:03:34) Casimer And Casimir – Anne Cherchait L’amour
11. (00:03:44) Autoheart – Anniversary
12. (00:03:05) As Animals – As Animals
13. (00:02:51) Twin Forks – Back To You
14. (00:02:45) Opus Orange – Balance
15. (00:05:14) The Ceremonies – Ballroom Bones
16. (00:03:44) Strangejuice – Banksia Ward
17. (00:04:19) Eye Emma Jedi – Banshee
18. (00:03:02) My Grey Horse – Big Night
19. (00:03:16) St. Vincent – Birth In Reverse
20. (00:04:04) Death By Robot – Blue Skies
21. (00:02:06) Cuddly Shark – Body Mass Index
22. (00:01:44) Jacob Sachs-Mishalanie – Book
23. (00:03:09) Maximo Park – Brain Cells
24. (00:04:08) Beautiful Small Machines – Bring Out Your Dead
25. (00:03:17) The Family Crest – Brittle Bones
26. (00:05:54) The Polyphonic Spree – Bullseye
27. (00:03:53) Work Drugs – Chemical Burns
28. (00:04:51) Deadwood – Cherry Red
29. (00:04:45) Stornoway – Clockwatching
30. (00:03:30) The White Kites – Clown King
31. (00:04:01) The Mispers – Coasts
32. (00:03:37) Stoney – Cock Of The Walk
33. (00:03:13) Wolf Colony – Colorblind
34. (00:03:28) The John Steel Singers – Common Thread
35. (00:03:50) Sivu – Communicate
36. (00:04:12) Hayden Calnin – Coward
37. (00:04:00) Young The Giant – Crystallized
38. (00:03:09) Bastille – Daniel In The Den
39. (00:04:12) Plum – Death Comes With a Bow
40. (00:03:09) Lydia – Do You Remember
41. (00:02:18) Colin Meloy – Do You Remember Walter
42. (00:04:40) George Barnett – Don’t Tell Me
43. (00:03:02) Architecture in Helsinki – Dream a Little Crazy
44. (00:03:43) ARMS – Earthquake Weather
45. (00:02:35) Lorde – Everybody Wants To Rule The World
46. (00:05:25) 8bit bEtty – Everything Changes
47. (00:03:19) Feng Li – Fairytale of My Life
48. (00:04:07) The Night VI – Fears
49. (00:02:19) How To Loot Brazil – Flamingo Vortex
50. (00:03:20) The Hawk In Paris – Freaks
51. (00:04:04) Radical Face – From The Mouth of An Injured Head
52. (00:05:28) Agnes Obel – Fuel to Fire
53. (00:02:50) Powers – Gimme Some
54. (00:03:41) We Are Scientists – Good Answer
55. (00:02:20) Circa Waves – Good For Me
56. (00:03:15) Franz Ferdinand – Goodbye Lovers & Friends
57. (00:03:29) Findlay – Greasy Love
58. (00:03:31) Honey For Petzi – Handmade Cloaks
59. (00:03:32) Gossling – Harvest of Gold
60. (00:05:05) Body Parts – Helpless Child
61. (00:03:33) Ralfe Band – Hidden Place
62. (00:03:29) Dan Croll – Home
63. (00:04:12) Gem Club – Hypericum
64. (00:02:48) Jumbling Towers – I Don’t Feel The Same
65. (00:03:49) Children Of Pop – I Know
66. (00:04:03) Davis Fetter – I Won’t Let This World Break My Heart
67. (00:04:40) Peggy Sue – Idle
68. (00:04:06) Radar Brothers – If We Were Banished
69. (00:04:36) Death Vessel – Ilsa Drown
70. (00:04:19) Asgeir – In Harmony
71. (00:02:42) The Strumbellas – In This Life
72. (00:03:26) Secret Colours – It Can’t Be Simple
73. (00:03:25) Eliza And The Bear – It Gets Cold
74. (00:04:38) Behind Sapphire – Jailbirds
75. (00:04:21) The Killers – Just Another Girl
76. (00:03:43) Dale Earnhardt Jr. Jr. – Knock Louder
77. (00:04:31) The Notwist – Kong
78. (00:04:29) The National – Lean
79. (00:03:31) Naked (On Drugs) – Lee Ann’s Skin
80. (00:03:40) Silversun Pickups – Let It Decay
81. (00:03:21) Los Campesinos! – Let It Spill
82. (00:03:10) The Benelux – Liar
83. (00:03:41) CHVRCHES – Lies
84. (00:04:31) Amber Run – Little Ghost
85. (00:02:31) Dum Dum Girls – Little Minx
86. (00:03:45) The Black And White Years – Little One
87. (00:04:37) Gungor – Long Way Off
88. (00:04:39) Sanglorians – Love Is The Speed Of Light
89. (00:02:39) Males – Lucky Too
90. (00:03:33) Natasha Kozaily – Magic People
91. (00:04:36) Mew – Making Friends (13)
92. (00:03:03) Little Scout – March Over To Me
93. (00:01:59) Freelove Fenner – Mary
94. (00:03:53) The Roofer’s Union – Melt
95. (00:03:06) Bronze Radio Return – Melting In My Icebox
96. (00:03:44) Temples – Mesmerise
97. (00:05:13) Kaiser Chiefs – Misery Company
98. (00:03:23) Dead Heart Bloom – Montreal
99. (00:03:32) Bombee – Moon Guided
100. (00:03:47) Mansions On The Moon – More Than Nothing
101. (00:02:53) Weaves – Motorcycle
102. (00:02:19) Veronica Falls – Need You Around
103. (00:03:48) Wild Swim – New Dawn
104. (00:05:00) Son Lux – No Crimes
105. (00:03:29) The Dismemberment Plan – No One’s Saying Nothing
106. (00:02:12) The Northwest Man – Not Today
107. (00:04:59) Shearwater – Novacane
108. (00:02:38) Mindy Gledhill – Oh No!
109. (00:03:15) Come On Like Gangbusters – Oh Sister, Oh Brother
110. (00:03:57) The Melodic – On My Way
111. (00:04:19) Driftwood – Outer Space
112. (00:03:05) Matt & Kim – Overexposed (Anamanaguchi’s Turbo Remix)
113. (00:02:48) Braves – Pale
114. (00:03:49) Washington Irving – Palomides
115. (00:05:11) The Flaming Lips – Peace Sword (Open Your Heart)
116. (00:03:18) Hanni El Khatib – Penny
117. (00:03:43) Yellowire – Peter
118. (00:04:00) Wintercoast – Petrichor
119. (00:03:38) Jordan Klassen – Piano Brother
120. (00:03:05) MGMT – Plenty Of Girls In The Sea
121. (00:03:41) La Shark – Prison Palace
122. (00:03:30) Glass Animals – Psylla
123. (00:02:45) The Royal Concept – Radio
124. (00:03:01) Night Riots – Remedy
125. (00:03:07) The Aves – Remote
126. (00:04:02) San Fermin – Renaissance!
127. (00:05:21) The Fratellis – Rock N Roll Will Break Your Heart
128. (00:03:19) Mark Berube – Russian Doll
129. (00:03:59) The Twoks – Sailor
130. (00:03:32) Champs – Savannah
131. (00:03:43) Les Jupes – Save Your Friends
132. (00:03:32) The Sounds – Shake Shake Shake
133. (00:02:40) Res – She’s A Witch
134. (00:04:31) Of Monsters And Men – Silhouettes
135. (00:03:42) Cats On Trees – Sirens Call
136. (00:03:00) Jake Bugg – Slumville Sunrise
137. (00:04:24) rickoLus – Snow Globes
138. (00:02:18) Tearjerker – So Dead
139. (00:04:05) Hollow & Akimbo – Solar Plexus
140. (00:03:27) Me Like Bees – Solstice Grind
141. (00:02:11) Borrowed Beams of Light – Songbird Bouquet
142. (00:03:06) Painted Palms – Spinning Signs
143. (00:04:22) The Suits – Stars
144. (00:04:02) Jose Gonzalez – Step Out
145. (00:02:51) Xiu Xiu – Stupid In The Dark
146. (00:03:47) Sea Legs – Take A Little For Yourself
147. (00:03:45) Battleships – Take Your Rest
148. (00:03:58) Feral & Stray – Taps
149. (00:03:22) Ed Zealous – Telepaths
150. (00:03:45) Wild Child – The Runaround
151. (00:04:38) Trent Dabbs – The Way We Look At Horses
152. (00:03:23) Rag Dolls – These Are The Words
153. (00:01:37) Vertical Scratchers – These Plains
154. (00:03:59) Hotel Cinema – This Misfortune
155. (00:03:26) COIN – Time Machine
156. (00:03:43) Prince of Spain – To Call My Own
157. (00:05:01) The Naked And Famous – To Move With Purpose
158. (00:04:47) Mum – Toothwheels
159. (00:03:08) Clap Your Hands Say Yeah – Untitled 1
160. (00:01:59) The Almighty Rhombus – Vacation
161. (00:03:19) Saintseneca – Visions
162. (00:04:24) Bleeding Heart Pigeons – Visiting Myself In Hospital
163. (00:03:58) The Lonely Forest – Warm Happy
164. (00:02:48) Psychic Friend – We Do Not Belong
165. (00:03:36) The Feather – What If
166. (00:03:33) Pascal Pinon – When I Can’t Sleep
167. (00:03:32) The View – Where
168. (00:04:53) Best Coast – Who Have I Become
169. (00:04:16) CEO – Whorehouse
170. (00:06:49) Grizzly Bear – Will Calls
171. (00:03:50) Old Man Canyon – Wiser
172. (00:03:25) Fanfarlo – Witchi Tai To
173. (00:04:42) The Title Sequence – Without A Love
174. (00:03:41) Keane – Won’t Be Broken
175. (00:03:55) Southern – World Don’t Shine
176. (00:02:45) Carbon Candy – You & I
177. (00:03:33) Night Terrors of 1927 – Young And Vicious
178. (00:03:01) Lover Lover – Young Free
179. (00:04:40) Inlet Sound – Young Hearts
180. (00:04:38) There Will Be Fireworks – Youngblood

Playing Time………: 10:55:55
Total Size………..: 1140.32 MB

Indie/Rock Playlist: October (2013)

Indie/Rock Playlist: October (2013)
Stream: SpotifyDeezer

1. (00:01:06) Dave Porter – (Main Title) Breaking Bad
2. (00:02:59) Sleigh Bells – 24
3. (00:03:06) Eye Emma Jedi – 88
4. (00:03:33) Fanfarlo – A Distance
5. (00:03:29) Max And The Moon – All I Know
6. (00:04:34) The Head And The Heart – Another Story
7. (00:03:36) Manor – Architecture
8. (00:04:06) Agnes Obel – Aventine
9. (00:04:36) Los Campesinos! – Avocado, Baby
10. (00:03:20) Prince of Spain – Away We Go
11. (00:03:51) Brick & Mortar – Bangs
12. (00:03:57) Ivan & Alyosha – Be Your Man
13. (00:03:51) Islands – Becoming The Gunship
14. (00:03:30) Yellow Creatures – Before The Flickering of Shadows
15. (00:05:53) of Montreal – Belle Glade Missionaries
16. (00:04:39) Regina Spektor – Blood Of Eden
17. (00:01:32) Crying – Bloom
18. (00:03:51) Eliza and the Bear – Brother’s Boat
19. (00:02:43) Franz Ferdinand – Bullet
20. (00:04:07) Lorde – Buzzcut Season
21. (00:03:13) The Royal Concept – Cabin Down Below
22. (00:03:04) Boxed Wine – Cannibal
23. (00:03:35) Swiss Lips – Carolyn
24. (00:02:57) Charlie’s Hand Movements – Cereal Box
25. (00:01:26) Exabyte – Chapel of The Robo-Priest
26. (00:02:40) Born Gold – Clever Animals
27. (00:04:10) Ha Ha Tonka – Colorful Kids
28. (00:03:06) The Jungle Giants – Come And Be Alone With Me
29. (00:06:16) Bon Iver – Come Talk To Me
30. (00:04:02) MGMT – Cool Song No. 2
31. (00:04:05) Hjaltalin – Crack In A Stone
32. (00:01:57) Harrison Hudson – Curious
33. (00:05:45) San Fermin – Daedalus (What We Have)
34. (00:02:44) The BB Guns – Dear Abby
35. (00:03:55) How To Loot Brazil – Deke
36. (00:03:27) Yeasayer – Don’t Come Close
37. (00:02:50) Kings Of Leon – Don’t Matter
38. (00:03:43) Quasi – Don’t Stop Me Now
39. (00:04:02) Dale Earnhardt Jr. Jr. – Don’t Tell Me
40. (00:04:10) Pluto Jonze – Eject
41. (00:03:35) Destroyer – El Rito
42. (00:03:20) Bell Weather Department – End of The Yellow Brick Road
43. (00:03:39) Goldspot – Evergreen Cassette
44. (00:02:43) Anamanaguchi – Everything Explodes
45. (00:03:26) Reuben Hollebon – Faces
46. (00:04:04) Kithkin – Fallen Giants
47. (00:02:51) Magic Fight – Fangs
48. (00:02:04) The Lodger – Fast
49. (00:02:46) Shy Nature – Fine
50. (00:03:13) Miles Kane – First of My Kind
51. (00:04:13) Grouplove – Flowers
52. (00:04:06) Parks, Squares and Alleys – Forest
53. (00:03:29) FMLYBND – Forever
54. (00:03:30) Castlecomer – Forrest
55. (00:02:43) Traams – Foxes
56. (00:03:29) Shearwater – Fucked Up Life
57. (00:03:22) Arcade Fire – Games Without Frontiers
58. (00:03:15) De Staat – Get It Together
59. (00:03:34) Electric Six – Gimme the Eyes
60. (00:03:20) Retrograde – Going Up
61. (00:03:59) White Lies – Goldmine
62. (00:03:17) The Fratellis – Halloween Blues
63. (00:01:52) Kids Choice – Hallow’s Eve
64. (00:02:58) Cage The Elephant – Halo
65. (00:03:49) HAERTS – Hemiplegia
66. (00:03:32) Little May – Hide
67. (00:03:20) Keane – Higher Than The Sun
68. (00:02:24) Blinker The Star – Hold It Inside
69. (00:03:29) Wolf Colony – Holy
70. (00:03:36) Radical Face – Holy Branches
71. (00:05:22) Typhoon – Hunger & Thirst
72. (00:04:04) Guineafowl – I Hope My City Loves Me Still
73. (00:04:17) Sivu – I Lost Myself
74. (00:03:25) Leftover Cuties – If Only It Could Be
75. (00:02:45) Static Jacks – I’ll Come Back
76. (00:02:36) Fur Trade – In Between Dreams
77. (00:03:44) Gentlemen Hall – In The Rearview
78. (00:03:16) Fever Pitch – It’s In My Veins
79. (00:04:30) Butch Walker – I’ve Been Waiting For This
80. (00:03:33) Evripidis And His Tragedies – Just a Kleenex
81. (00:03:31) Men Among Animals – Kathy
82. (00:03:38) Temples – Keep In The Dark
83. (00:04:42) Unwoman – Kids
84. (00:01:57) The Stumble and Shake – Land of The Lotus Eaters
85. (00:03:47) Satellite Stories – Lights Go Low
86. (00:03:22) Future Bible Heroes – Living, Loving, Partygoing
87. (00:03:33) Sin Fang – Look At The Light
88. (00:03:57) Yuck – Lose My Breath
89. (00:04:43) Son Lux – Lost It To Trying
90. (00:03:39) American Authors – Luck
91. (00:03:19) Bronze Radio Return – M.O.T.R. (Middle of The Road)
92. (00:02:56) KHUSHI – Magpie
93. (00:02:07) Mind Spiders – Make Make Make Make
94. (00:03:46) The Hunts – Make This Leap
95. (00:05:24) Strangejuice – Metamorphosis
96. (00:02:49) The Blood Arm – Midnight Moan
97. (00:03:45) We Were Evergreen – Modern Age
98. (00:04:09) Imagine Dragons – Monster
99. (00:04:06) My Fair Fiend – Murder a Dream
100. (00:02:46) Texan Girlfriend – My Gun
101. (00:04:32) Cold Mailman – My Recurring Dream
102. (00:03:09) Cosmo – Neon Citied Sea
103. (00:04:34) Phantogram – Never Going Home
104. (00:04:00) The Ceremonies – Nightlight
105. (00:03:21) Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin – Nightwater Girlfriend
106. (00:03:51) Amber – Noah
107. (00:02:31) Tessa Rose Jackson – Now I See
108. (00:04:14) Casimer & Casimir – O Sweet Joe Pye
109. (00:04:17) Buried Beds – Oh Lonely Fortress
110. (00:02:56) La Femme – Packshot
111. (00:03:38) Vadoinmessico – Perfect Strangers
112. (00:02:14) Secret Beach – Pillow
113. (00:02:19) Mindy Gledhill – Pocketful of Poetry
114. (00:03:25) Me Like Bees – Ra Ra, etc.
115. (00:03:13) We Are Scientists – Return The Favor
116. (00:04:22) Wild Child – Rillo Talk
117. (00:03:39) The Naked and Famous – Rolling Waves
118. (00:03:53) Snowmine – Rome
119. (00:02:22) Albert Hammond Jr. – Rude Customer
120. (00:02:23) Passion Pit – Ruin Your Day
121. (00:03:54) The Shallows – Running For Cover
122. (00:02:51) Said The Whale – Safe To Say
123. (00:03:28) Placebo – Scene Of The Crime
124. (00:03:58) CHVRCHES – Science Visions
125. (00:03:02) Young Galaxy – Sea Drug
126. (00:03:12) Wolf Alice – She
127. (00:03:14) Blitzen Trapper – Shine On
128. (00:04:01) The Killers – Shot At The Night
129. (00:03:17) Royal Canoe – Show Me Your Eyes
130. (00:03:46) Black Light Dinner Party – Small Boxes
131. (00:03:13) Arctic Monkeys – Snap Out of It
132. (00:03:13) Superhumanoids – So Strange
133. (00:02:52) Twin Forks – Something We Just Know
134. (00:03:47) The Fresh & Onlys – Soothsayer
135. (00:03:31) The Moth and The Flame – Sorry
136. (00:02:18) Mazarin Cut – Soul Man Rocket
137. (00:03:35) Man Man – Sparks
138. (00:04:33) Delorean – Spirit
139. (00:02:48) Beach Day – Stay
140. (00:03:18) Set Sail – Stockholm
141. (00:04:11) How Sad – Stockholm Syndrome
142. (00:03:16) Steve Shimchick – Sunlight
143. (00:03:51) Bettens – Surrender
144. (00:04:03) Indicator Indicator – Swarm
145. (00:04:20) Andrew McMahon – Synesthesia
146. (00:03:38) Stornoway – The 6th Wave
147. (00:03:34) Hey Geronimo – The Dan Kelly Song
148. (00:03:02) Young Rebel Set – The Lash of the Whip
149. (00:03:34) Hellogoodbye – The Magic Hour Is Now
150. (00:03:58) The Darcys – The River
151. (00:04:36) Cloud Control – The Smoke, The Feeling
152. (00:03:51) Kissaway Trail – The Springsteen Implosion
153. (00:03:38) Mideau – There, There
154. (00:02:41) Best Coast – This Lonely Morning
155. (00:02:52) Digital Noise Academy – Thursday Night Party
156. (00:03:36) Asgeir – Torrent
157. (00:03:04) RAC – Tourist
158. (00:03:42) Miss li – Transformer
159. (00:02:43) Anna Calvi – Tristan
160. (00:03:29) Tim Kasher – Truly Freaking Out
161. (00:03:28) Lucius – Turn It Around
162. (00:03:45) Summer Camp – Two Chords
163. (00:03:23) Kishi Bashi – Unicorns Die When You Leave
164. (00:03:58) Biffy Clyro – Victory Over The Sun
165. (00:03:40) Hands – Videolove
166. (00:02:50) The Dismemberment Plan – Waiting
167. (00:03:52) Leagues – Walking On Water
168. (00:02:16) Tijuana Panthers – Wall Walker
169. (00:02:42) The Olms – Wanna Feel It
170. (00:03:30) Biggi Hilmars – War Hero
171. (00:03:43) Magic Man – Waves
172. (00:02:55) Young Knives – We Could Be Blood
173. (00:03:12) The Colourist – We Won’t Go Home
174. (00:03:50) Mikal Cronin – Weight
175. (00:03:00) Amason – Went To War
176. (00:02:05) Jake Bugg – What Doesn’t Kill You
177. (00:03:31) Pixies – What Goes Boom
178. (00:03:02) Stars – Wishful
179. (00:04:20) The Amplifetes – You Want It
180. (00:04:00) The Wombats – Your Body Is a Weapon

Playing Time………: 10:27:24
Total Size………..: 1113.96 MB

Indie/Rock Playlist: September (2013)

Indie/Rock Playlist: September (2013)
Stream: SpotifyDeezer

1. (00:01:06) Anamanaguchi – (STILLSPLODIN’)
2. (00:03:27) Born Gold – Abdomen
3. (00:03:55) Jenny Broke The Window – Abracadabra
4. (00:03:10) Amanda Merdzan – Afraid
5. (00:04:21) Autoheart – Agoraphobia
6. (00:04:05) Amason – Algen
7. (00:03:35) Panama Wedding – All of The People
8. (00:02:55) Emiliana Torrini – Animal Games
9. (00:04:33) No Middle Name – Another Season
10. (00:03:52) Royal Canoe – Bathtubs
11. (00:03:35) Pacific Air – Bear
12. (00:03:22) Wolf Colony – Beauty
13. (00:02:44) Room & Board – Before You Grow Cold
14. (00:03:19) Sleigh Bells – Bitter Rivals
15. (00:03:40) Inlet Sound – Blizzard Baby
16. (00:03:16) Little May – Boardwalks
17. (00:03:35) Dr. Dog – Broken Heart
18. (00:03:29) Satellite Stories – Campfire
19. (00:03:13) Fur Trade – Can You Dig It (Yes I Can)
20. (00:03:55) Frightened Rabbit – Candlelit
21. (00:03:50) Sensual Harassment – Capri Suntan
22. (00:03:42) Two Door Cinema Club – Changing Of The Seasons
23. (00:03:19) HAP – Chip
24. (00:03:49) Cage The Elephant – Come a Little Closer
25. (00:03:32) Heavenly Beat – Complete
26. (00:03:58) Wild Child – Crazy Bird
27. (00:03:16) The Kissaway Trail – Cuts of Youth (Razor Love)
28. (00:02:12) Spector – Decade of Decay
29. (00:03:24) Typhoon – Dreams of Cannibalism
30. (00:03:14) TV Girl – Easier To Cry
31. (00:03:38) Magic Man – Every Day
32. (00:03:56) Hellogoodbye – Everything Is Debatable
33. (00:02:46) Franz Ferdinand – Evil Eye
34. (00:02:55) FMLYBND – Far Away
35. (00:03:08) Fairchild – Figure It Out
36. (00:01:42) Babyshambles – Fireman
37. (00:03:46) The Colourist – Fix This
38. (00:03:21) The Love Language – For Izzy
39. (00:04:08) Swim Deep – Francisco
40. (00:02:52) Bloc Party – French Exit
41. (00:02:51) The Blow – From The Future
42. (00:03:34) Wildcat! Wildcat! – Garden Grays
43. (00:04:01) Folly And The Hunter – Ghost
44. (00:03:59) Fitness Club Fiasco – Goldmine
45. (00:03:17) Slow Machete – Gray Eyed Bird
46. (00:02:58) Tim Fitz – Happiness Is Tugging At Your Heart
47. (00:03:28) Clap Your Hands Say Yeah – Heaven
48. (00:04:41) Lucius – Hey, Doreen
49. (00:05:22) Strangejuice – High School
50. (00:03:27) American Authors – Hit It
51. (00:04:06) Minus The Bear – Hooray
52. (00:03:55) Painted Palms – Hypnotic
53. (00:04:09) Gungor – I Am Mountain
54. (00:04:12) The Naked and Famous – I Kill Giants
55. (00:02:56) Shearwater – I Luv The Valley Oh
56. (00:03:29) Mounties – If This Dance Catches On
57. (00:03:49) Tales In Space – In a Million Places At Once
58. (00:04:40) Pixies – Indie Cindy
59. (00:03:39) The Dismemberment Plan – Invisible
60. (00:02:38) Kirby’s Dream Band – Islands
61. (00:03:42) Polarsets – Just Don’t Open Your Eyes Yet
62. (00:03:24) Mikky Ekko – Kids
63. (00:03:33) Asgeir – King And Cross
64. (00:03:51) Step Rockets – Kisser
65. (00:03:55) Fenech-Soler – Last Forever
66. (00:02:30) Hey Geronimo – Lazer Gun Show
67. (00:02:51) The Trouble With Templeton – Like A Kid
68. (00:03:27) Guineafowl – Little Death (Make It Rain)
69. (00:04:51) Placebo – Loud Like Love
70. (00:03:49) Belle And Sebastian – Love On The March
71. (00:03:59) Piano Club – Me And Myself
72. (00:02:58) I Wear Experiment – Memories
73. (00:04:23) TV On The Radio – Million Miles
74. (00:03:00) Sir Sly – Miracle
75. (00:03:58) Bronze Radio Return – Mister, Mister
76. (00:02:58) Matthew & Me – Modern Life
77. (00:03:22) Work Drugs – Modern Living
78. (00:03:43) Cloud Control – Moon Rabbit
79. (00:03:24) White Lies – Mother Tongue
80. (00:04:32) Me Like Bees – Naked Trees
81. (00:03:31) Walla – Neon Love
82. (00:03:42) Ebony Bones – Neu World Blues
83. (00:03:51) CHVRCHES – Night Sky
84. (00:02:08) Islands – Nil
85. (00:03:16) The Royal Concept – On Our Way
86. (00:02:37) Dead Owls – Only Child
87. (00:03:58) The Title Sequence – Payday
88. (00:03:18) The Boy Least Likely To – Peggy The Cat
89. (00:02:49) Abandoned Pools – Pep Talk
90. (00:02:53) Paper Lions – Philadelphia
91. (00:04:01) Andrew Belle – Pieces
92. (00:03:47) The Map Room – Pilot
93. (00:00:59) Friendship – Pizza Pinata Pina Colada
94. (00:02:47) Night Panther – Pleasure To Meet You
95. (00:03:32) Rue Royale – Pull Me Like A String
96. (00:03:52) Super Water Sympathy – Purple Poppies
97. (00:03:54) Man Man – Pyramids
98. (00:05:17) The Polyphonic Spree – Raise Your Head
99. (00:03:10) Lorde – Royals
100. (00:03:20) Leisure Cruise – Sailing
101. (00:02:00) Raglans – Sand In My Pocket
102. (00:03:45) Enola Fall – Scared Of Boys
103. (00:03:28) Camden – Scars
104. (00:03:08) Quasi – See You On Mars
105. (00:03:26) The Fratellis – Seven Nights Seven Days
106. (00:03:41) of Montreal – She Ain’t Speakin’ Now
107. (00:02:52) Cub Sport – Sherbet
108. (00:03:34) The Jungle Giants – Skin To Bone
109. (00:03:25) Broken Fences – Song For You
110. (00:04:13) San Fermin – Sonsick
111. (00:04:50) Frankie Rose – Sorrow
112. (00:04:39) Boy & Bear – Southern Sun
113. (00:02:54) Mugen – Sparks
114. (00:03:44) Buried Beds – Stars
115. (00:04:19) Okkervil River – Stay Young
116. (00:03:11) Arctic Monkeys – Stop The World I Wanna Get Off With You
117. (00:03:33) Fialta – Summer Winter
118. (00:03:31) The Coopers – Summer’s Child
119. (00:03:30) Parks – Sweater Weather
120. (00:03:02) Boys Boys Boys! – Take It Easy
121. (00:03:00) A. B. Rinehart – Take Out
122. (00:03:50) Holy Ghost! – Teenagers In Heat
123. (00:03:52) Brick & Mortar – Terrible Things
124. (00:04:03) Wintercoast – The Andes
125. (00:03:30) Larry And His Flask – The Battle For Clear Sight
126. (00:03:50) Republic of Lights – The Breakup Preset Shakeup
127. (00:01:55) Flying Chivaus – The Count’s Departure
128. (00:05:51) Agnes Obel – The Curse
129. (00:03:40) The Venetia Fair – The Day I Set Them Free
130. (00:03:12) Deer Tick – The Dream’s In The Ditch
131. (00:05:19) Wowser Bowser – The Garden
132. (00:04:16) Dan Griffin – The Hum
133. (00:04:16) Stars – The Light
134. (00:03:29) The Mountains – The Mountains
135. (00:04:31) Kyle Andrews – The Way To Wonder
136. (00:04:02) Porcelain Raft – Think Of The Ocean
137. (00:03:59) Geographer – This Is How We Walk On The Moon
138. (00:03:15) Delorean – Unhold
139. (00:03:39) Weikie – Vixen
140. (00:05:58) Dale Earnhardt Jr. Jr. – War Zone
141. (00:04:16) Young Summer – Waves That Rolled You Under
142. (00:02:50) Skipping Girl Vinegar – West Coast
143. (00:03:36) Los Campesinos! – What Death Leaves Behind
144. (00:04:36) Mother Falcon – When It Was Good
145. (00:03:55) The Amplifetes – Where Is The Light
146. (00:03:07) Susy Blue – Wish In My Dish
147. (00:03:40) MOXXX 88
148. (00:03:38) The Derevolutions – Yell It Out!
149. (00:03:22) Woody Pitney – You Can Stay
150. (00:03:45) PAPA – Young Rut

Playing Time………: 08:56:33
Total Size………..: 951.55 MB

Indie/Rock Playlist: August (2013)

Indie/Rock Playlist: August (2013)
Stream: SpotifyDeezer

1. (00:02:01) Yasunori Mitsuda – (Main Title) Chrono Trigger
2. (00:04:02) The Belligerents – All I Have
3. (00:05:27) Washed Out – All I Know
4. (00:04:27) HAERTS – All The Days
5. (00:03:43) The Joy Formidable – All This Promise
6. (00:03:42) Suburban Living – Always Eyes
7. (00:03:11) Light Heat – And The Birds…
8. (00:03:45) Andy Bull – Baby I Am Nobody Now
9. (00:04:12) Vydamo – Bare Feet
10. (00:02:54) Woods – Be All Be Easy
11. (00:03:25) Summer Heart – Beat of Your Heart
12. (00:03:49) Mana Island – Beauty Spot
13. (00:04:02) Haight Ashbury – Blow Your Mind
14. (00:02:03) Tijuana Panthers – Boardwalk
15. (00:03:11) The Duckworth Lewis Method – Boom Boom Afridi
16. (00:02:33) Olivier Libaux – Burn The Witch
17. (00:04:24) Volcano Choir – Byegone
18. (00:04:34) The Love Language – Calm Down
19. (00:02:40) Parenthetical Girls – Careful Who You Dance With
20. (00:02:48) Electra – Charge!
21. (00:03:05) Caged Animals – Cindy & Me
22. (00:03:06) Mister Wives – Coffins
23. (00:03:11) Siblings – Colours
24. (00:05:16) Temples – Colours To Life
25. (00:02:36) Trails And Ways – Como Te Vas
26. (00:02:15) Raymond Byron – Death Shaker
27. (00:03:33) GO NO-GO – Desperate Romantics
28. (00:04:15) Delorean – Destitute Time
29. (00:03:28) Grace Potter & The Nocturnals – Devil’s Train
30. (00:03:44) Boys Boys Boys! – Don’t Bail Out
31. (00:04:55) The Indelicates – Dovahkiin
32. (00:06:32) Okkervil River – Down Down The Deep River
33. (00:03:49) Goldfrapp – Drew
34. (00:03:20) Pacific Air – Duet In B Minor
35. (00:04:50) I Monster – Early Morning Robert
36. (00:02:21) Hillspeak – Eden
37. (00:03:26) Hands – Elegant Road
38. (00:03:37) Tunng – Embers
39. (00:03:40) I Can Make A Mess – Enola
40. (00:02:04) The Understudies – Erika K
41. (00:03:19) Eugene McGuinness – Fairlight
42. (00:04:39) Little Children – Falling
43. (00:03:48) The Leisure Society – Fight For Everyone
44. (00:03:33) Night Panther – Fire
45. (00:03:27) SuperchunkFOH
46. (00:03:02) The Silent Few – For The Birds
47. (00:03:49) Editors – Formaldehyde
48. (00:03:07) Eliza And The Bear – Friends
49. (00:04:12) of Montreal – Fugitive Air
50. (00:03:45) Machines Are People Too – Get Up
51. (00:04:25) Fuchsia – Girl From Kandahar
52. (00:03:13) Little Daylight – Glitter and Gold
53. (00:03:41) French For Rabbits – Goat
54. (00:03:56) Vampire Weekend – Hannah Hunt
55. (00:03:14) Alpaca Sports – He Doesn’t Even Like You
56. (00:04:25) Man Man – Head On
57. (00:04:30) The Naked and Famous – Hearts Like Ours
58. (00:04:26) MT – Heaven
59. (00:06:13) East India Youth – Heaven, How Long
60. (00:04:04) Strangejuice – Hinden Bird
61. (00:03:09) Pluto Jonze – Hispedangongonajelanguiro (Capiche)
62. (00:05:03) Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros – Home (Remix)
63. (00:02:30) Tim Fitz – Hospital
64. (00:03:08) Born Gold – Hunger
65. (00:03:24) The Jungle Giants – I Am What You Want Me To Be
66. (00:03:43) Maia Hirasawa – I Said I’m Gonna
67. (00:03:13) Chuck Criss – I Want The Real Thing
68. (00:04:23) Radio Wire Empire – I Want To Be a Japanese Schoolgirl
69. (00:04:21) Greyjoy – Idle Thoughts
70. (00:04:31) Papa – If You’re My Girl, Then I’m Your Man
71. (00:02:31) Lowing – I’ll Wait For You
72. (00:03:14) Dan Croll – In Out
73. (00:02:59) Architecture in Helsinki – In The Future
74. (00:04:38) How Sad – Indian Summer
75. (00:00:59) Anamanaguchi – Interlude (Total Tea Time)
76. (00:04:32) Mree – Into the Well
77. (00:04:44) Primal Scream – Invisible City
78. (00:03:52) General Ghost – It’s Worth It I Promise
79. (00:03:45) Say Lou Lou – Julian
80. (00:03:49) Kite Club – Jupiter Smiling
81. (00:03:32) Mighty Oaks – Just One Day
82. (00:04:15) Simone And The Spectrum – Keep On Talking
83. (00:04:18) Swim Deep – King City
84. (00:03:24) Kingsley Flood – King’s Men
85. (00:02:59) Candy Says – Kiss Kill
86. (00:03:49) Crystal Fighters – LA Calling
87. (00:02:45) Josh Pyke – Leeward Side
88. (00:04:16) Dive In – Let Go
89. (00:03:14) Clap Your Hands Say Yeah – Little Moments
90. (00:03:17) Brick & Mortar – Locked In a Cage
91. (00:03:42) Franz Ferdinand – Love Illumination
92. (00:03:03) The Title Sequence – Lovers
93. (00:04:42) Alice & The Glass Lake – Luminous
94. (00:03:20) Atoms For Peace – Magic Beanz
95. (00:03:16) The Blow – Make It Up
96. (00:03:28) Neko Case – Man
97. (00:02:01) The Derevolutions – Mandy
98. (00:03:39) Smallpools – Mason Jar
99. (00:04:12) Calexico – Maybe On Monday
100. (00:03:17) TV On The Radio – Mercy
101. (00:03:29) Fitz And The Tantrums – MerryGoRound
102. (00:01:25) Papa Topo – Meteoritos En Hawaii
103. (00:04:48) Winchester – Midnight Oil
104. (00:03:44) Absofacto – Mobius Strip (Thru My Fingers)
105. (00:03:14) Portugal. The Man – Modern Jesus
106. (00:03:54) Autoheart – Moscow
107. (00:03:24) Saint Motel – My Type
108. (00:04:46) PRE-Be-UN – Mysteriously In Love
109. (00:04:26) Fanfarlo – Myth of Myself (A Ruse To Exploit Our Weaknesses)
110. (00:03:39) Urban Cone – New York
111. (00:03:14) WALLA – No Time
112. (00:05:21) Dylan Campbell – Nocturne
113. (00:03:33) Yo La Tengo – Ohm
114. (00:02:42) Boxed Wine – On The Run
115. (00:02:45) Leftover Cuties – One Heart
116. (00:03:06) The Electric Soft Parade – One Of Those Days
117. (00:02:37) Cub Scouts – Paradise
118. (00:02:44) A Great Big Pile of Leaves – Pet Mouse
119. (00:03:20) Mother Falcon – Pink Stallion
120. (00:04:12) The Polyphonic Spree – Popular By Design
121. (00:03:18) Bloc Party – Ratchet
122. (00:03:52) Yuck – Rebirth
123. (00:02:39) The Fix – Red Dress
124. (00:02:54) Surfer Blood – Say Yes To Me
125. (00:03:44) Cloud Control – Scar
126. (00:04:02) The Head And The Heart – Shake
127. (00:03:46) Eleanor Friedberger – She’s A Mirror
128. (00:03:17) Manic Street Preachers – Show Me The Wonder
129. (00:03:20) Franko Franko – Slow
130. (00:03:20) We Are Scientists – Something About You
131. (00:04:10) The Electronic Anthology Project – Soul Meets Body
132. (00:04:00) London Grammar – Strong
133. (00:04:29) Seven Handle Circus – Such Great Heights
134. (00:02:53) HAP – Summertime Shuffle
135. (00:02:37) The Little Indians – Sun Dream
136. (00:03:21) Hibou – Sunder
137. (00:03:49) Kings of Leon – Supersoaker
138. (00:02:32) Rin Tin Tiger – Talkin’ Good Woman
139. (00:04:00) Maia Vidal – The Big Shift
140. (00:03:31) Goldspot – The Border Line
141. (00:02:27) HighFields – The Chase (Oh Lord!)
142. (00:03:42) Helena Noguerra – The End of The Story
143. (00:03:32) The Civil Wars – The One That Got Away
144. (00:04:25) Dr. Dog – The Truth
145. (00:03:54) K.S. Rhoads – The Wilderness
146. (00:04:05) Haim – The Wire
147. (00:03:36) White Lies – There Goes Our Love Again
148. (00:03:05) Making Marks – Ticket Machine
149. (00:04:19) Piano Club – Today
150. (00:08:25) Braids – Together
151. (00:03:34) Placebo – Too Many Friends
152. (00:04:26) Sailor & I – Tough Love
153. (00:02:28) Barbarossa – Turbine
154. (00:02:35) Haap – Uena
155. (00:03:22) Super Water Sympathy – Uh Oh!
156. (00:02:53) Bronze Radio Return – Up, On & Over
157. (00:03:38) Maps – Vicissitude
158. (00:03:30) The Holidays – Voices Drifting
159. (00:03:10) Dear Georgiana – Wanna Be In Love
160. (00:02:53) Islands – Wave Forms
161. (00:03:41) Golden Youth – We Are Alive
162. (00:03:08) Helen Love – We Are All The Lo-Fi Kids
163. (00:03:47) Nova & The Experience – We Are The Children
164. (00:03:15) Art Brut – We Make Pop Music
165. (00:03:42) Knower – What’s In Your Heart
166. (00:04:10) Sons of The Sea – Where All The Songs Come From
167. (00:03:13) Southern – Where The Wild Are
168. (00:03:54) Altadore – Where You Go
169. (00:01:11) Kirby’s Dream Band – Whispy Woods
170. (00:04:16) Le Fever – White Hearts
171. (00:02:41) Arctic Monkeys – Why’d You Call Me When You’re High
172. (00:03:36) Dawn And Marra – Wicked Little Girl
173. (00:03:27) Half Waif – Wooden Horse
174. (00:02:49) Morningbell – Yes, Wonderful Things
175. (00:04:11) Abandon Kansas – You & Me & The Radio
176. (00:04:24) Typhoon – Young Fathers
177. (00:04:18) Night Riots – Young Lore
178. (00:02:56) Someone Still Loves You Boris Yeltsin – Young Presidents
179. (00:02:04) MGMT – Your Life Is A Lie
180. (00:03:18) Regina Spektor – You’ve Got Time

Playing Time………: 10:47:45
Total Size………..: 1140.77 MB

Indie/Rock Playlist: June (2013)

Indie/Rock Playlist: June (2013)
Stream: SpotifyDeezer

1. (00:04:26) Ramin Djawadi – (Main Title) Game of Thrones
2. (00:04:23) Smith Westerns – 3AM Spiritual
3. (00:03:34) The All New Adventures of Us – A Nursing Home In Full Swing
4. (00:04:30) Maps – A.M.A.
5. (00:03:04) The Beaches – Absolutely Nothing
6. (00:03:12) Buffalo Tales – Amsterdam
7. (00:04:29) Strangejuice – August 22
8. (00:04:00) Midnight Juggernauts – Ballad of The War Machine
9. (00:03:42) Imaginary Cities – Bells Of Cologne
10. (00:03:17) Eden Mulholland – Blueprint
11. (00:03:36) Fitz And The Tantrums – Break The Walls
12. (00:02:57) Paul Otten – Breeze
13. (00:03:12) Lemuria – Brilliant Dancer
14. (00:04:02) Wolf Alice – Bros
15. (00:04:11) Golden Youth – Brother In The Morning Light
16. (00:03:28) Pear Shape – Carousel
17. (00:03:18) Churchill – Change
18. (00:03:53) The Indelicates – Class
19. (00:02:50) Hero & Leander – Collider
20. (00:04:06) HAP – Corners
21. (00:02:27) Boxed Wine – Danger Eyes
22. (00:03:07) Youngblood Hawke – Dannyboy
23. (00:04:05) Gruska Babuska – Daradada
24. (00:04:56) Hot Chip – Dark And Stormy
25. (00:03:31) The National – Demons
26. (00:02:53) The Derevolutions – Disappoint Your Teacher
27. (00:03:52) Empire of The Sun – Disarm
28. (00:04:33) Arctic Monkeys – Do I Wanna Know
29. (00:03:15) Talisco – Dream Alone
30. (00:02:23) Mr. Elevator & The Brain Hotel – Dreamer
31. (00:03:55) Eisley – Drink The Water
32. (00:02:44) CSS – Dynamite
33. (00:03:33) The Mowgli’s – Emily
34. (00:02:18) The Boy Least Likely To – Even Jesus Couldn’t Mend My Broken Heart
35. (00:03:58) Pacific Air – FarAway
36. (00:03:04) Parenthetical Girls – For All The Final Girls
37. (00:03:42) San Cisco – Get Lucky
38. (00:03:52) Trophy Wife – Glue
39. (00:02:46) Surfer Blood – Gravity
40. (00:03:52) CHVRCHES – Gun
41. (00:03:08) Mounties – Headphones
42. (00:03:16) Kid Astray – Hey Sister
43. (00:03:08) Dale Earnhardt Jr. Jr. – Hiding
44. (00:03:37) Cayucas – High School Lover
45. (00:04:12) A Home. A Heart. Whatever. – High Times
46. (00:04:20) The Polyphonic Spree – Hold Yourself Up
47. (00:04:50) Bombadil – Honeymoon
48. (00:03:25) The 88 – I Saw The Light That Day
49. (00:03:54) Capital Cities – I Sold My Bed, But Not My Stereo
50. (00:03:50) How To Loot Brazil – I’ll Be Your Shadow
51. (00:06:27) Braids – In Kind
52. (00:03:02) Brooke Waggoner – Ink Slinger
53. (00:03:01) Magic Arm – Is History
54. (00:03:41) Les Enfants – It Was Good
55. (00:02:19) Future Bible Heroes – Keep Your Children In A Coma
56. (00:02:26) Alex Day – Lady Godiva
57. (00:03:54) Frightened Rabbit – Late March, Death March
58. (00:02:36) Knower – Let Go
59. (00:03:54) Noah And The Whale – Lifetime
60. (00:03:51) I Can Make A Mess – Listen Lesson, Keep Away
61. (00:03:07) Brightener – Make Real Friends
62. (00:02:31) Camera Obscura – Making Money
63. (00:05:06) Thumpers – Marazion Bay
64. (00:02:31) Mother Falcon – Marigold
65. (00:04:14) Monokino – Melissa
66. (00:01:37) Sturle Dagsland – Mokele-Mbembe
67. (00:05:48) Altadore – Moments
68. (00:03:44) The Young International – More of The Same
69. (00:03:11) Said The Whale – Mother
70. (00:04:37) Rend Collective Experiment – Movements
71. (00:02:45) Effi – Muzik
72. (00:03:55) Queens Of The Stone Age – My God Is The Sun
73. (00:04:19) Walla – Nature
74. (00:03:03) Rogue Wave – No Magnatone
75. (00:02:42) Kakkmaddafakka – No Song
76. (00:02:01) The Pigeon Detectives – No State To Drive
77. (00:03:32) Alba Lua – Nobody’s Child
78. (00:04:03) Xuman – Nymphomaniac
79. (00:04:09) Olafur Arnalds – Old Skin
80. (00:01:45) Thee AHs – Oooh (They’re Inside Me)
81. (00:03:58) Future Screens – Outta Sight
82. (00:03:59) Austra – Painful Like
83. (00:04:43) Bye Bye Badman – Panda
84. (00:03:29) Colours In The Street – Paper Child
85. (00:03:06) The Clockwork Orchestra – Paper Purse
86. (00:04:09) City Calm Down – Pleasure And Consequence
87. (00:03:46) Anamanaguchi – Prom Night (Instrumental)
88. (00:03:35) Disaster In The Universe – Recovering
89. (00:03:22) Bipolar Sunshine – Rivers
90. (00:03:40) Them Swoops – Rollerskate
91. (00:03:57) Sea Perry – Run Run Run
92. (00:03:24) STRFKR – Sazed
93. (00:04:19) Cub Scouts – Scream
94. (00:04:05) Crystal Fighters – Separator
95. (00:03:23) TV Girl – She Smokes In Bed
96. (00:03:25) The Elementary Penguins – She’s Lighting Up A Cigarette And She Don’t Care
97. (00:03:49) Elen Never Sleeps – Shine On Me
98. (00:04:09) Westbam – Sick
99. (00:03:39) Swim Deep – Simmer
100. (00:03:46) Slow Dance Chubby – Sinkhole
101. (00:02:38) Leftover Cuties – Smile Big
102. (00:05:19) Vance Joy – Snaggletooth
103. (00:03:42) Tim And Adam – So Much More
104. (00:04:55) Sigur Ros – Stormur
105. (00:03:57) The Dodos – Stranger
106. (00:05:41) The Red Paintings – Streets Fell Into My Window
107. (00:03:31) The All-About – Summer Sheets
108. (00:03:18) Groenland – Superhero
109. (00:02:43) Fingers of the Sun – Tambourines & Toasters
110. (00:03:43) Psychic Friend – Telekinesis
111. (00:02:48) Sea Peoples – The Beach, The Lake, The Trees And You
112. (00:04:35) Snowden – The Beat Comes
113. (00:04:04) Belle And The Bone People – The Boy
114. (00:03:28) Piano Club – The Captain
115. (00:04:33) The Hidden Cameras & Snowblink – The Chauffeur
116. (00:03:35) Last Lynx – The Great Water Sequel
117. (00:03:22) Jim Guthrie – The Rest Is Yet To Come
118. (00:03:30) Francis International Airport – The Right Ones
119. (00:03:37) Annuals – The Rotary
120. (00:03:42) Autoheart – The Sailor Song
121. (00:03:32) Grizfolk – The Struggle
122. (00:03:16) Beaulieu Porch – The View From Gainsborough
123. (00:04:33) Tunng – The Village
124. (00:03:04) Mister Wives – The Western
125. (00:04:46) Beady Eye – The World’s Not Set In Stone
126. (00:03:12) Late Cambrian – The Year I Cut The Cable
127. (00:03:32) HRVRD – Timid Scripts
128. (00:02:41) Casey LaLonde – Title Bout
129. (00:04:32) World’s End Press – To Send Our Love
130. (00:04:32) Oberhofer – Together Never
131. (00:03:21) Eleanor Friedberger – Tomorrow Tomorrow
132. (00:02:39) Bella Ruse – Try
133. (00:03:36) Zemfira – Tumble
134. (00:03:23) Vampire Weekend – Unbelievers
135. (00:03:51) The Analog Affair – Violent Young
136. (00:01:51) Tullycraft – Wake Up, Wake Up
137. (00:03:54) The Coasts – Wallow
138. (00:03:25) London Grammar – Wasting My Young Years
139. (00:03:36) Grouplove – Ways To Go
140. (00:04:34) Hey Sholay – Wdyrwmtb
141. (00:03:04) FM Belfast – We Are Faster Than You
142. (00:04:09) Lombok – We Don’t Know
143. (00:02:54) Parade of Lights – We’re The Kids
144. (00:02:45) Mikhael Paskalev – What’s Life Without Losers
145. (00:03:46) Snow Patrol – When Love Breaks Down
146. (00:03:17) Sir Sly – Where I’m Going
147. (00:02:25) Brothers – Who’s Winning
148. (00:03:19) Kid Parade – Wild Cat
149. (00:06:55) Toh Kay – With Any Sort Of Certainty
150. (00:04:55) Valentina – Wolves
151. (00:03:30) pacificUV – Wolves Again
152. (00:02:59) Rawshank – Word of Good Cheer
153. (00:02:49) YASTYAST
154. (00:04:40) Fuck Buttons – Year Of The Dog
155. (00:03:48) Pretty & Nice – Yonkers
156. (00:02:58) Sleeping At Last – You Are Enough
157. (00:01:44) The Northwest Man – You Are The Mountain, I Am The Sea
158. (00:04:01) Air Traffic Controller – You Know Me
159. (00:02:29) Yellowbirds – Young Men of Promise
160. (00:03:42) Radiation City – Zombies

Playing Time………: 09:38:51
Total Size………..: 1023.24 MB

Indie/Rock Playlist: May (2013)

Indie/Rock Playlist: May (2013)
Stream: SpotifyDeezer

1. (00:01:32) Secret of Mana – (Fear of The Heavens)
2. (00:03:55) Editors – A Ton of Love
3. (00:05:04) MGMT – Alien Days
4. (00:03:25) Empire Of The Sun – Alive
5. (00:03:33) Ra Ra Riot – All I Fear
6. (00:04:23) Passion Pit – American Blood
7. (00:03:53) Frightened Rabbit & Manchester Orchestra – Architect
8. (00:03:12) COIN – Atlas
9. (00:04:00) April Was A Passenger – Be As You Want
10. (00:04:01) Nico Vega – Beast
11. (00:03:47) Club Smith – Beautiful & Useless
12. (00:03:08) Spender – Bed & Chair
13. (00:03:22) Joshua Burnside – Black Dog Sin
14. (00:02:58) Young Rival – Black Is Good
15. (00:03:56) Tokolosh – Bloodlines
16. (00:03:18) Sivu – Bodies
17. (00:03:01) Hands – Brave Motion
18. (00:02:36) The Electric Soft Parade – Brother, You Must Walk Your Path Alone
19. (00:03:41) Sea Legs – Can I Get An Amen
20. (00:03:40) Hani Zahra – Cannibal Crime (Wait Wait Wait)
21. (00:03:46) The Electric Sons – Carry On
22. (00:03:12) Iron & Wine – Caught In The Briars
23. (00:03:52) Strangejuice – Chew Chew Girl
24. (00:02:52) Android Angel – Chicago John
25. (00:03:50) Pierre Mottron – Colorful
26. (00:04:44) Groenland – Criminals
27. (00:04:10) Eisley – Currents
28. (00:05:17) Is Tropical – Dancing Anymore
29. (00:03:11) Dale Earnhardt Jr. Jr. – Dark Water
30. (00:03:10) Cygnets – Day Seven
31. (00:03:07) Shy Nature – Deadly Sin
32. (00:04:03) The Boxer Rebellion – Diamonds
33. (00:03:22) Mother Falcon – Dirty Summer
34. (00:04:37) Knocking Ghost – Distractions
35. (00:03:17) Camera Obscura – Do It Again
36. (00:03:11) Wavves – Dog
37. (00:01:43) The Killers – Don’t Fence Me In
38. (00:03:25) Miles Kane – Don’t Forget Who You Are
39. (00:03:07) Brightener – Echoes
40. (00:02:55) Findlay – Fever
41. (00:03:36) SULK – Flowers
42. (00:03:56) Radiation City – Foreign Bodies
43. (00:03:37) Sir Sly – Found You Out
44. (00:03:31) Curxes – Further Still
45. (00:05:09) Way Yes – Get Healed
46. (00:02:54) Glowbug – Go Easy
47. (00:03:20) Luis Francesco Arena – Gold
48. (00:03:26) Firehorse – Good
49. (00:03:46) Cloud Cult – Good Friend
50. (00:03:44) The Grapes Of Wrath – Good To See You
51. (00:03:22) Baywood – Gotta Get You
52. (00:03:32) Hannah Peel – Harbour
53. (00:04:05) Noah And The Whale – Heart of Nowhere
54. (00:06:04) Gotye – Hearts A Mess
55. (00:03:09) Get Cubs – Heartstrings
56. (00:02:42) The All New Adventures Of Us – Hellfire & Helios
57. (00:03:11) Les Enfants – Holiday
58. (00:04:48) Dog & Panther – Home
59. (00:04:23) Frida Sundemo – Home
60. (00:02:54) Neon Neon – Hoops With Fidel
61. (00:04:26) Buke & Gase – Houdini Crush
62. (00:03:02) Fallulah – Hurricane
63. (00:02:50) Savages – Husbands
64. (00:03:54) Josef Salvat – Hustler
65. (00:03:45) The Popopopops – Hypnotise Me
66. (00:02:22) Club Girls – I Can Do A Lot
67. (00:04:16) IAMX – I Come With Knives
68. (00:03:12) She & Him – I Could’ve Been Your Girl
69. (00:04:28) Maps – I Heard Them Say
70. (00:02:47) Said The Whale – I Love You
71. (00:03:30) Eden Mulholland – I Will Echo
72. (00:02:32) They Might Be Giants – Icky
73. (00:03:36) Boys Boys Boys! – I’m Here Forever
74. (00:03:11) Pintandwefall – Imaginary Boyfriend
75. (00:03:10) It Hated Silence – Immoral Earnings In The UK
76. (00:03:19) Death By Robot – In The West
77. (00:05:03) Sigur Ros – Isjaki
78. (00:03:20) Windigo – Jean Jacket
79. (00:04:18) John Vanderslice – Juvenile Success
80. (00:02:57) Catey Shaw – Ketchup
81. (00:04:13) Giant Fang – Kingdom
82. (00:03:27) The Deer Tracks – Lazarus
83. (00:03:36) Woodlock – Lemons
84. (00:04:15) Fossil Collective – Let It Go
85. (00:04:03) New Carnival – Let Me Shake You
86. (00:03:19) Apples & Eve – L’Homme (The Man)
87. (00:03:23) Black Light Dinner Party – Lift Away
88. (00:03:46) Kid Astray – Like You Care
89. (00:04:09) I Can Make A Mess Like Nobody’s Business – Lions
90. (00:03:47) Air Marshal Landing – Little Town
91. (00:03:31) Sports Fan – Little White Lies
92. (00:04:38) Just Handshakes – London Bound
93. (00:03:11) Effi – Lonely Boy
94. (00:04:23) Tessa Rose Jackson – Lost And Found
95. (00:03:23) Cold War Kids – Lost That Easy
96. (00:03:53) Grouplove & Manchester Orchestra – Make It To Me
97. (00:03:58) Timothy Nelson & The Infidels – Mary Lou
98. (00:03:39) Modern Ritual – Matches & Gasoline
99. (00:03:29) Candy Says – Melt Into The Sun
100. (00:03:47) Just Jack – Middle Children
101. (00:04:27) Red Kite – Montreal
102. (00:03:38) Talisco – My Home
103. (00:03:44) Captain & the Princess – My Legs Are Electric
104. (00:03:56) M83 – Oblivion
105. (00:04:16) Jinja Safari – Oh Benzo!
106. (00:04:05) Mr Little Jeans – Oh Sailor
107. (00:03:32) Piano Club – Olivia
108. (00:03:28) Atlas Genius – On A Day
109. (00:02:50) Loon Lake – On Fire
110. (00:03:40) Capital Cities – One Minute More
111. (00:03:44) Fletcher – Open Up
112. (00:03:59) Hunter Hunted – Operating
113. (00:03:42) Prides – Out Of The Blue
114. (00:04:21) Florence And The Machine – Over The Love
115. (00:03:01) The Redwood Plan – Panic On
116. (00:04:05) Pyyramids – Paper Doll
117. (00:05:20) Speak – Peaks
118. (00:05:07) Youth Lagoon – Pelican Man
119. (00:02:51) Lipstick Lumberjack – Phantom Kin
120. (00:03:11) Alchemy – Pillow Talk
121. (00:03:34) Eye Emma Jedi – Places
122. (00:04:23) Vance Joy – Play With Fire
123. (00:04:40) Wildcat! Wildcat! – Please And Thank You
124. (00:03:56) Young Galaxy – Pretty Boy
125. (00:03:29) NONONO – Pumpin Blood
126. (00:04:09) Portugal. The Man – Purple Yellow Red And Blue
127. (00:03:14) Pretty & Nice – Q_Q
128. (00:04:00) Imagine Dragons – Ready Aim Fire
129. (00:03:58) Windmill – Rocket Needs
130. (00:02:12) Brooke Waggoner – Rumble
131. (00:03:01) pacificUV – Russians
132. (00:03:14) Ok Sang Dal Bit – Saerowa
133. (00:03:23) Alfred Hall – Safe & Sound
134. (00:04:51) Youngblood Hawke – Say Say
135. (00:03:43) The National – Sea Of Love
136. (00:03:31) Beady Eye – Second Bite of The Apple
137. (00:03:28) Eva On The Western Castle Island – Shaolin Punk
138. (00:03:02) HAP – Shopping The Collection
139. (00:02:55) Mikal Cronin – Shout It Out
140. (00:04:39) Big Black Delta – Side Of The Road
141. (00:04:59) Rogue Wave – Siren’s Song
142. (00:02:40) Opus Orange – So It Goes
143. (00:03:42) Monokino – So Street
144. (00:03:47) Neon Trees – Some Kind of Monster
145. (00:04:58) The Van Allen Belt – Songs
146. (00:03:59) Miss Li – Spaceship
147. (00:03:50) Kid Cadaver – Stable
148. (00:02:37) The Parlotones – Start A Fire
149. (00:03:54) Evan & The Brave – Stay This Way
150. (00:04:25) AM & Shawn Lee – Steppin’ Out
151. (00:01:51) The Bicycles – Stop Thinking So Much
152. (00:02:41) Liam Singer – Stranger I Know
153. (00:02:57) The Reflections – Summer Days
154. (00:04:13) Teen Girl Scientist Monthly – Summer Skin
155. (00:04:05) Saturday Looks Good to Me – Sunglasses
156. (00:02:47) Ghost And Gale – Take Me To The Fire
157. (00:03:57) Great Peacock – Take Me To The Mountain
158. (00:03:10) Lydia – Take Your Time
159. (00:03:33) The Boy Least Likely To – Taking Windmills For Giants
160. (00:03:21) Hook & The Twin – That Was A Day
161. (00:04:05) Jacco Gardner – The Ballad of Little Jane
162. (00:03:59) Stornoway – The Bigger Picture
163. (00:03:42) Death Rattle – The Blows
164. (00:02:51) Wild Nothing – The Body In Rainfall
165. (00:03:15) Woodkid – The Great Escape
166. (00:04:40) Wampire – The Hearse
167. (00:03:34) Psychic Friend – The Kids Are OK
168. (00:04:05) Husky Rescue – The Long Lost Friend
169. (00:03:19) Alessi’s Ark – The Rain
170. (00:03:49) Twenty One Pilots – The Run And Go
171. (00:03:49) Miracles of Modern Science – The Singularity
172. (00:03:53) Fitz And The Tantrums – The Walker
173. (00:03:07) Late Cambrian – The Wolf
174. (00:02:43) AWOLNATION – Thiskidsnotalright
175. (00:03:26) The Scenes – To Fix Revolving Antlers
176. (00:02:32) Field Mouse – Tomorrow Is Yesterday
177. (00:03:50) Joywave – Tongues
178. (00:03:44) Major Chord – Transition
179. (00:03:37) MS MR – Twenty Seven
180. (00:03:30) Kishi Bashi – Twilight
181. (00:04:18) Yeah Yeah Yeahs – Under The Earth
182. (00:03:43) Thumpers – Unkinder (A Tougher Love)
183. (00:04:09) Friska Viljor – Until The End
184. (00:03:02) Anamanaguchi – Viridian Genesis
185. (00:03:06) Folly & The Hunter – Vultures
186. (00:04:00) Belgian Fog – Wait For Help
187. (00:04:12) Leagues – Walking Backwards
188. (00:04:20) Polly Scattergood – Wanderlust
189. (00:04:26) Circle – We Can Play
190. (00:04:05) Work Drugs – West Coast Slide
191. (00:04:08) Hungry Kids of Hungary – When Yesterday’s Gone
192. (00:03:28) Annuals – Whippoorwill
193. (00:02:58) Max Frost – White Lies
194. (00:05:10) MesitaXYXY
195. (00:05:13) Vampire Weekend – Ya Hey
196. (00:02:59) The Colourist – Yes Yes
197. (00:03:30) Crystal Fighters – You & I
198. (00:02:52) Sons Of Rico – You Don’t Know What You’re Missin’
199. (00:02:55) The Postelles – You Got Me Beat
200. (00:04:01) Parenthetical Girls – Young Throats

Playing Time………: 12:11:58
Total Size………..: 1280.41 MB

Indie/Rock Playlist: April (2013)

Indie/Rock Playlist: April (2013)
Stream: SpotifyDeezer

1. (00:03:39) Tessa Rose Jackson – (All The) King’s Horses
2. (00:03:22) Piano Club – Ain’t No Mountain High
3. (00:02:21) Wild Honey – An Army Of Fat Synths
4. (00:02:54) Norwegian Arms – And Then I Found Myself In The Taiga
5. (00:02:52) Total Warr – Bambastard
6. (00:02:10) STRFKR – Beach Monster
7. (00:03:22) Colour Bomb – Beautiful Parade
8. (00:04:05) Little Green Cars – Big Red Dragon
9. (00:03:00) Saturday Looks Good to Me – Break In
10. (00:07:42) Sigur Ros – Brennisteinn
11. (00:03:38) Les Enfants – Celeste
12. (00:03:24) The Boy Least Likely To – Climbing Out Of Love
13. (00:03:31) Jim And The Povolos – Co2
14. (00:03:58) Rogue Wave – College
15. (00:03:34) Thomas D’Arcy – Credit!
16. (00:03:41) Born Ruffians – Dancing On The Edge of Our Graves
17. (00:04:46) Wildlife – Dangerous Times
18. (00:04:41) Gold Fields – Dark Again
19. (00:03:08) Peace – Delicious
20. (00:03:18) Minttu & Olli – Don Juhani
21. (00:03:52) Oberhofer – Earplugs
22. (00:03:34) Cayucas – East Coast Girl
23. (00:04:12) Hunter Hunted – End of The World
24. (00:02:36) Elementary Penguins – Everybody Knows My Name Especially On The Dance Floor
25. (00:03:35) Portugal. The Man – Evil Friends
26. (00:03:30) Wooly & The Mammoth – Fallen Down
27. (00:03:46) Leftover Cuties – Fidelity
28. (00:05:11) Hooray For Earth – Figure
29. (00:05:14) Friska Viljor – Flageoletten
30. (00:04:57) I Said Yes – Follow On
31. (00:04:00) The Dancers – For Something In Your Eyes
32. (00:03:48) Olof Arnalds – German Fields
33. (00:03:36) Sir Sly – Ghost
34. (00:03:29) Gemma Ray – Gozo Theme
35. (00:04:16) The Flight – Hangman
36. (00:04:29) CocoRosie – Happy Eyes
37. (00:03:30) Northern Portrait – Happy Nice Day
38. (00:04:03) Dear Comrade – Hard Times
39. (00:03:14) Empress Of – Hat Trick
40. (00:03:46) Soul Sister Dance Revolution – Hearts
41. (00:04:57) Summer Heart – Hit Me Up Again
42. (00:04:27) Frightened Rabbit – Holy
43. (00:02:27) The Almighty Rhombus – Honest Liar
44. (00:03:50) Vydamo – Hurricane
45. (00:03:45) Bastille – Icarus
46. (00:03:04) Sweet Baboo – If I Died…
47. (00:04:35) Dale Earnhardt Jr. Jr. – If You Didn’t See Me (Then You Weren’t On The Dancefloor)
48. (00:03:36) OK Go – I’m Not Through
49. (00:02:46) Chloe Foy – In The Middle Of The Night
50. (00:02:47) Aquaduck – Indian
51. (00:04:17) Brothers – Is This The End
52. (00:03:05) Jed & Hera – Issues
53. (00:05:12) Primal Scream – It’s Alright, It’s Ok
54. (00:02:41) Cold War Kids – Jailbirds
55. (00:03:44) Andy Bull – Keep On Running
56. (00:04:03) Loch Lomond – Kicking With Your Feet
57. (00:02:57) No Monster Club – La La Land
58. (00:03:35) Paint The Dark – Lariat
59. (00:03:46) A Home. A Heart. Whatever. – Let Go
60. (00:02:25) Hungry Kids of Hungary – Litter And Sand
61. (00:03:39) Birds Vs Planes – Little Blue
62. (00:02:41) The Colourist – Little Games
63. (00:03:08) Paper Aeroplanes – Little Letters
64. (00:03:28) The Primitives – Lose The Reason
65. (00:03:32) Tullycraft – Lost In Light Rotation
66. (00:03:32) Two Hours Traffic – Magic
67. (00:03:24) London Grammar – Metal & Dust
68. (00:01:59) Neon Neon – Mid Century Modern Nightmare
69. (00:04:52) The Fiery Piano – More Like A Tiger, Less Like A Dove
70. (00:03:05) Kid Runner – Move
71. (00:03:40) Mozart’s Sister – Mozart’s Sister
72. (00:04:02) Team Spirit – MRDR It’s Ok
73. (00:03:28) Glass Caves – Muscle
74. (00:03:22) Iron & Wine – My Side of The Road
75. (00:04:13) Young Galaxy – New Summer
76. (00:03:12) Clover Club – Nothing In Mind
77. (00:03:14) ACBs – Ocean
78. (00:02:47) Findlay – Off & On
79. (00:04:03) !!! – One Girl One Boy
80. (00:04:24) Ginger And The Ghost – One Type of Dark
81. (00:02:58) Dan Croll – Only Ghost
82. (00:03:48) Sleeping At Last – Overture
83. (00:03:46) Hollerado – Pick Me Up
84. (00:03:29) Jinja Safari – Plagiarist
85. (00:04:18) Anamanaguchi – Planet
86. (00:04:04) Telekinesis – Power Lines
87. (00:04:25) The Postelles – Pretend It’s Love
88. (00:04:00) Hotel Cinema – Rabbit Hole
89. (00:03:59) The Magnetic North – Rackwick
90. (00:03:28) Frank Turner – Recovery
91. (00:03:46) The Deer Tracks – Red Eyed Zebra
92. (00:04:11) Swim – Ride
93. (00:03:36) Just Jack – Rims of Doom
94. (00:03:24) Vance Joy – Riptide
95. (00:03:33) Woodkid – Run Boy Run
96. (00:02:57) Rilo Kiley – Runnin’ Around
97. (00:04:26) Late Cambrian – Ryan Gosling
98. (00:02:33) Seattle Yacht Club – Same Old Questions
99. (00:02:49) Satellite Stories – Scandinavian Girls
100. (00:03:22) The Hush Sound – Scavengers
101. (00:04:06) Exsonvaldes – Seahorses
102. (00:05:35) Kashmir – Seraphina
103. (00:03:55) Stone Cold Fox – Seventeen
104. (00:03:59) Tokolosh – Shapeshifter
105. (00:04:34) Swim Deep – She Changes The Weather
106. (00:02:41) The Spinto Band – She Don’t Want Me
107. (00:04:05) Psychic Friend – Silent Show
108. (00:04:06) Yeah Yeah Yeahs – Slave
109. (00:04:35) Cloud Cult – Sleepwalker
110. (00:03:37) TMGS – Slow Me Down
111. (00:03:23) Oh My! – Slow Moves
112. (00:04:00) Daughter – Smother
113. (00:02:59) Kishi Bashi – Song For The Sold
114. (00:03:29) Generationals – Spinoza
115. (00:04:02) Buke And Gase – Split Like A Lip, No Blood On The Beard
116. (00:02:55) Autoheart – Stalker’s Tango
117. (00:02:54) Eleanor Friedberger – Stare At The Sun
118. (00:03:39) Great Plain Sundance – Stay Up All Night
119. (00:04:11) Vampire Weekend – Step
120. (00:03:57) Canopy Climbers – Stuck
121. (00:04:17) Mars Argo – Stuck On You
122. (00:02:58) Eva On The Western Castle Island – Surfing Like A Guru
123. (00:03:16) Echopark – Teleportation
124. (00:03:46) Magic Man – Texas
125. (00:01:48) Raw Thrills – The Anthem
126. (00:04:32) Knocking Ghost – The Beginning
127. (00:03:10) Marnie Stern – The Chronicles of Marnia
128. (00:03:22) They Might Be Giants – The Darlings Of Lumberland
129. (00:04:06) Conquering Animal Sound – The Future Does Not Require
130. (00:04:29) Synne Sanden – The King In My Kingdom
131. (00:05:10) Wannabe Jalva – The Way
132. (00:03:35) Noah & The Whale – There Will Come A Time
133. (00:01:26) The Garlands – Things Just Sound So Easy For You
134. (00:03:14) The Features – This Disorder
135. (00:04:32) Wild Cub – Thunder Clatter
136. (00:02:41) Rin Tin Tiger – Toxic Pocketbook (II)
137. (00:03:57) Husky Rescue – Tree House
138. (00:03:43) The Postal Service – Turn Around
139. (00:05:01) Akron Family – Until The Morning
140. (00:05:25) Takenobu – Voyager
141. (00:03:41) Shout Out Louds – Walking In Your Footsteps
142. (00:04:48) April Was A Passenger – Wall
143. (00:03:30) Crystal Fighters – Wave
144. (00:04:26) Zorch – We All Die Young
145. (00:03:15) The Elementary Penguins – We Are All Too Young For Rock and Roll Suicide
146. (00:03:05) Tera Melos – Weird Circles
147. (00:03:33) Buchanan – When The Sun Comes Round Again
148. (00:03:29) Benjamin Dunn And The Animal Orchestra – When We Were Young
149. (00:02:51) Us – Where Have You Been
150. (00:03:58) The Dear Hunter – Whisper
151. (00:03:37) The Staves – Winter Trees
152. (00:03:40) Freedom Fry – With The New Crowd
153. (00:03:56) Miles Kane – Woman’s Touch
154. (00:03:25) Local Natives – Wooly Mammoth
155. (00:06:22) Young Dreams – Wounded Hearts Forever
156. (00:03:38) Leagues – You Belong Here
157. (00:05:09) Stornoway – You Take Me As I Am
158. (00:03:48) Spune – Young
159. (00:03:09) Teenage Sweater – Young Glitter
160. (00:02:35) Camden – You’re So Fine

Playing Time………: 09:53:18
Total Size………..: 1034.72 MB

Indie/Rock Playlist: March (2013)

Indie/Rock Playlist: March (2013)
Stream: SpotifyDeezer

1. (00:02:55) The Postal Service – A Tattered Line of String
2. (00:02:53) Port Isla – Adventurers
3. (00:03:51) Marching Band – And I’ve Never Seen
4. (00:03:24) Mire Kay – Beat
5. (00:04:13) Keaton Henson – Beekeeper
6. (00:03:03) American Authors – Believer
7. (00:02:48) Dutch Uncles – Bellio
8. (00:02:30) Young Rival – Better Things To Do
9. (00:02:36) HRVRD – Black Creme
10. (00:05:51) Puscifer – Bohemian Rhapsody
11. (00:03:08) The Bewitched Hands – Boss
12. (00:04:36) Local Natives – Bowery
13. (00:03:59) Hey Marseilles – Bright Stars Burning
14. (00:02:54) Marika Hackman – Cannibal
15. (00:02:54) The Postelles – Caught By Surprise
16. (00:03:26) Imaginary Cities – Chasing The Sunset
17. (00:03:44) The 1975 – Chocolate
18. (00:03:56) Painted Palms – Click
19. (00:02:00) The Grand Nationals – Come Home
20. (00:03:24) 7Bit Hero – Come On. Stand Out.
21. (00:02:32) Cloud Cult – Complicated Creation
22. (00:03:00) Dan Croll – Compliment Your Soul
23. (00:02:49) Minttu & Olli – Corduroy Boy
24. (00:03:33) Rose And The Howling North – Cuckoo
25. (00:03:38) Buke And Gase – Cyclopean
26. (00:03:17) Thumpers – Dancing’s Done
27. (00:02:43) National Flower – Darlin’
28. (00:03:13) Boxed Wine – Dayglow (Why Can’t We Stay)
29. (00:03:20) Miracles of Modern Science – Dear Pressure
30. (00:03:14) Surfer Blood – Demon Dance
31. (00:04:22) Wavves – Demon To Lean On
32. (00:03:43) The Black Angels – Don’t Play With Guns
33. (00:03:13) Dear Reader – Down Under, Mining
34. (00:04:23) Nova And The Experience – Dragonflies And Waterfalls
35. (00:04:23) Fallulah – Dried-Out Cities
36. (00:03:10) Sir Sly – Easy Now
37. (00:01:37) The Oh Hello’s – Eat You Alive
38. (00:03:48) Woodpigeon – Edinburgh
39. (00:04:22) Charity Children – Elizabeth
40. (00:03:29) Heyrocco – Elsewhere
41. (00:03:40) Phoenix – Entertainment
42. (00:03:44) Catey Shaw – Family
43. (00:03:26) Ms Mr – Fantasy
44. (00:04:32) Takenobu – Fight To Make It Up
45. (00:04:15) Night Panther – Fire
46. (00:05:06) Young Dreams – First Days Of Something
47. (00:03:01) Peace – Follow Baby
48. (00:05:05) Little Tybee – For Distant Viewing
49. (00:02:52) The Little Ones – Forro
50. (00:03:47) The Last Royals – Friday Night
51. (00:02:27) Bronze Radio Return – Further On
52. (00:03:49) Nico Vega – Fury Oh Fury
53. (00:03:45) Free Energy – Get Ready
54. (00:04:17) Streets of Laredo – Girlfriend
55. (00:02:45) Miles Kane – Give Up
56. (00:02:57) IYES – Glow
57. (00:04:00) Kalle Kaasinen – Go South
58. (00:04:24) Alex Vans – Good Enough
59. (00:03:36) Iron & Wine – Grace For Saints And Ramblers
60. (00:05:26) CocoRosie – Gravediggress
61. (00:02:37) King Dinosaur – Grow Up
62. (00:03:57) Air Review – H
63. (00:03:32) Little Green Cars – Harper Lee
64. (00:02:43) YAST – Heart Of Steel
65. (00:03:32) Shout Out Louds – Hermila
66. (00:04:17) The Mary Onettes – Hit The Waves
67. (00:02:59) Tom Odell – Hold Me
68. (00:03:56) Herman Dune – Holding A Monument
69. (00:03:38) Moddi – House By The Sea
70. (00:03:24) American Royalty – Hungry
71. (00:03:02) Atlas Genius – If So
72. (00:03:45) Conquistador – I’m Alive
73. (00:05:11) Young Man – In A Sense
74. (00:03:37) Strangeheart – In Another Life
75. (00:04:16) Among Savages – In The Nighttime
76. (00:04:30) Atoms For Peace – Ingenue
77. (00:03:46) Lewis Watson – Into The Wild
78. (00:02:18) Saturday Looks Good To Me – Invisible Friend
79. (00:02:18) Bad Bad Hats – It Hurts
80. (00:03:11) The Hot Toddies – Jaguar Love
81. (00:02:46) Ex Cops – James
82. (00:03:03) Amor De Dias – Jean’s Waving
83. (00:04:23) Mikhael Paskalev – Jive Babe
84. (00:04:54) Indian Red – Julia
85. (00:03:21) Yukari – Just Friends
86. (00:04:09) Low – Just Make It Stop
87. (00:04:21) Ski Lodge – Just To Be Like You
88. (00:03:18) Set Sail – Kids
89. (00:03:16) Thao & The Get Down Stay Down – Kindness Be Conceived
90. (00:02:54) Lydia – Knee Deep
91. (00:03:44) Stornoway – Knock Me On The Head
92. (00:03:49) Brave Baby – Lakeside Trust
93. (00:05:14) The Ceremonies – Land of Gathering
94. (00:04:23) Birds of Tokyo – Lanterns
95. (00:03:22) Puggy – Last Day On Earth
96. (00:03:40) We Were Evergreen – Leeway
97. (00:03:14) Autoheart – Lent
98. (00:04:22) Rilo Kiley – Let Me Back In
99. (00:03:27) Dress Rehearsal – Light Bright
100. (00:03:29) Sarah Humphreys – Like A House Needs A Door
101. (00:02:53) The Joy Formidable – Little Blimp
102. (00:04:47) Night Works – Long Forgotten Boy
103. (00:03:04) Pacific Air – Lose My Mind
104. (00:03:32) Matt Pond – Love To Get Used
105. (00:03:13) Hospital – Made of Sand
106. (00:03:34) Starfucker – Malmo
107. (00:03:36) Strangejuice – Marigolds
108. (00:04:32) Tame Impala – Mind Mischief
109. (00:05:57) Youth Lagoon – Mute
110. (00:03:27) Beau & The Arrows – N.L.Y. (Never Leaving You)
111. (00:03:20) The Spinto Band – Na Na Na
112. (00:03:33) Born Ruffians – Needle
113. (00:03:14) She & Him – Never Wanted Your Love
114. (00:04:28) Luis Francesco Arena – Ninety Days
115. (00:01:44) Chappo – Nitrogen Rivers
116. (00:04:54) Joe Banfi – Nomads
117. (00:05:19) Mister And Mississippi – Northern Sky
118. (00:03:44) Villagers – Nothing Arrived
119. (00:02:09) Analog Rebellion – Nothing Is Wrong
120. (00:02:41) Windigo – Oh I Feel It
121. (00:03:05) Saint AlviaOKUSA
122. (00:02:57) Kate NashOMYGOD!
123. (00:03:25) Psychic Friend – Once A Servant
124. (00:04:02) The Strokes – One Way Trigger
125. (00:03:31) Fitz & The Tantrums – Out Of My League
126. (00:02:40) Wild Party – Outright
127. (00:03:40) Maria Brosgol – Outside Myself
128. (00:03:58) Little Daylight – Overdose
129. (00:03:48) Sleeping At Last – Overture
130. (00:03:11) The Paper Kites – Paint
131. (00:03:32) Magic Man – Paris
132. (00:05:23) The Besnard Lakes – People of The Sticks
133. (00:03:30) Kishi Bashi – Philosiphize In It! Chemicalize With It!
134. (00:02:22) Cub Scouts – Pool!
135. (00:03:50) Greycoats – Prometheus, Glow!
136. (00:02:52) The Popopopops – Pure
137. (00:03:45) Generationals – Put A Light On
138. (00:03:49) Jenny Broke The Window – Ravel
139. (00:03:38) Guards – Ready To Go
140. (00:03:02) The Dexters – Recover
141. (00:04:59) Cartoon Bar Fight – Reincarnate
142. (00:04:58) The Sea Wolf Mutiny – Ruins
143. (00:04:09) Mars Argo – Runaway Runaway
144. (00:03:25) Shijo X – Runnin’
145. (00:03:50) Yeah Yeah Yeahs – Sacrilege
146. (00:04:38) The History of Apple Pie – See You
147. (00:03:26) Hungry Kids of Hungary – Sharp Shooter
148. (00:03:43) The Lion’s Children – She Knows
149. (00:03:07) How To Loot Brazil – Shout Out Love
150. (00:02:45) Orlando – Show Me Where The Bullets Go
151. (00:04:28) Benjamin Dunn & The Animal Orchestra – Sing
152. (00:02:12) Inspired And The Sleep – Sink
153. (00:03:02) Woods – Size Meets The Sound
154. (00:03:57) Mazes – Skulking
155. (00:02:54) I Am Kloot – Some Better Day
156. (00:02:55) Andrew Simple – Souvenirs
157. (00:03:22) Leagues – Spotlight
158. (00:03:50) Friska Viljor – Stalker
159. (00:03:46) Goldenboy – Starlight Town
160. (00:03:50) Carousel – Stay Awake
161. (00:03:08) The Flaming Lips – Sun Blows Up Today
162. (00:03:54) The Bicycles – Sun Don’t Want To End
163. (00:03:30) Tera Melos – Sunburn
164. (00:03:04) Dovekins – Sushi Western Part 1
165. (00:03:19) Alpaca Sports – Telephone
166. (00:02:52) Walk The Moon – Tete-A-Tete
167. (00:04:15) Leo Abrahams – That’s What You Do
168. (00:03:15) Fol Chen – The False Alarms
169. (00:02:27) Kid Astray – The Mess
170. (00:04:28) Lady Lamb The Beekeeper – The Nothing Part II
171. (00:04:17) Eliza And The Bear – The Southern Wild
172. (00:03:22) Swear And Shake – These White Walls
173. (00:03:01) The Lighthouse And The Whaler – This Is An Adventure
174. (00:03:19) The Capsules – Time Will Only Tell
175. (00:03:34) Frightened Rabbit – Today’s Cross
176. (00:02:38) Menomena – Toomer
177. (00:04:26) Miyazaki – Torrents
178. (00:04:34) Everything Everything – Torso Of The Week
179. (00:02:30) The Tuts – Tut Tut Tut
180. (00:03:29) Black Handed Kites – Up
181. (00:03:39) Johnny Marr – Upstarts
182. (00:04:01) Smith Westerns – Varsity
183. (00:03:27) Brodka – Varsovie
184. (00:03:59) Trees Of Maine – Venice On The Inside
185. (00:04:58) Stereophonics – Violins And Tambourines
186. (00:04:54) Post War Years – Volcano
187. (00:04:16) Black Light Dinner Party – We Are Golden
188. (00:02:49) We Are Wolves – We Are Made of Fire
189. (00:04:15) Stellar Young – We Own Nothing
190. (00:03:42) For The Foxes – We’re Coming Up
191. (00:05:03) Thad Kopec – White Wolf
192. (00:04:08) Ivan & Alyosha – Who Are You
193. (00:04:00) Drgn King – Wild Night
194. (00:02:45) The Heartbreaks – Winter Gardens
195. (00:03:18) Darwin Deez – You Can’t Be My Girl
196. (00:03:23) The Polyphonic Spree – You Don’t Know Me
197. (00:03:11) Marnie Stern – You Don’t Turn Down
198. (00:03:02) The Good China – You Looked Better a Brunette
199. (00:02:41) They Might Be Giants – You’re On Fire
200. (00:03:11) CHVRCHESZVVL

Playing Time………: 11:59:26
Total Size………..: 1245.94 MB

The original Indie Rock Playlist